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Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data (JPCRD)

Volume 31, 1- 4

The following is a listing of articles and abbreviated abstracts published from Volume 25-1 through Volume 31-4 of the JPCRD and the announcement of the Fourth Edition of the JANAF Thermochemical Tables published as a monograph. Also listed are additional articles which have completed the review process. These latter articles are ready for typesetting and will be assigned to a specific issue at a later time. Monographs and Supplements to the Journal, which are articles too lengthy for a typical issue, are published separately. A listing of all monographs and supplements is provided.


NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables, Fourth edition

JPCRD - Vol. 31, 2002
JPCRD - Vol. 30, 2001
JPCRD - Vol. 29, 2000
JPCRD - Vol. 28, 1999
JPCRD - Vol. 27, 1998
JPCRD - Vol. 26, 1997
JPCRD - Vol. 25, 1996

Articles Published in Volume 31

Volume 31, No. 4, 2002 - PDF Version

Volume 31, No. 3, 2002 - PDF Version

Volume 31, No. 2, 2002 - PDF Version

Volume 31, No. 1, 2002 - PDF Version

JPCRD Supplement & Monographs

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Last Update: Thursday, 06-Mar-03 15:40:59
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