History & Highlights

Endangered Species  

Federal Projects & Permits

Habitat Restoration

Education & Outreach

Environmental Contaminants

Watersheds/Special Partnerships

Pre-construction & Cell Tower Consultation


Staff Contacts

Jobs with USFWS


HISTORY & HIGHLIGHTS: Conservation in an Urban Setting

Although the City of Chicago is highly urbanized, the region still has numerous preserves and parks that contain examples of most plant communities found here prior to European settlement.  

This office was established in 1991, as the "Chicago Metro Wetlands Office." As the name implies, our original focus was to support conservation of wetlands habitats being impacted by increasing urbanization.  Since then, we have played an expanding and instrumental role in the conservation of the diverse aquatic and terrestrial habitats in northeastern Illinois.    


  • Preserve, protect, enhance, and restore terrestrial and aquatic habitats for Service trust resources.
  • Promote environmental education in the Chicago metropolitan area and throughout Illinois.
     Image of a high-quality native prairie in the Chicago area.

Our diverse and active program areas have allowed us numerous opportunities to provide leadership and technical advice, or to participate as partners in local conservation issues and initiatives.  Those listed below are just a few examples:

Local Partnerships
The region and it's citizens are fortunate to have a large number of Federal, State, and local government agencies, citizens groups, non-government organizations, and scientists that have missions or interests in natural resource management, conservation, and stewardship.  We are represented in, and contribute biological expertise to several local conservation partnerships.  Examples of this kind of service include: 

  • We are an active member and leader in the Chicago Region Biodiversity Council, more popularly known as "Chicago Wilderness".  This coalition currently consists of over 170 member groups interested in conserving open space, biodiversity and natural resources of the region. For additional information about our role in Chicago Wilderness see this Fact Sheet.
  • Coordinated the "Urban Bird Treaty" signed by the City of Chicago and the Service in March 2000.  

Interaction With Other Federal Agencies

  • Work with the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Army, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, and Illinois Department of Natural Resources to study contamination of the former Joliet Army Ammunition Plant, and plan clean up. 

Education and Outreach

  • Implemented a program of teacher training workshops and outreach activities that provide accurate, quality information about fish and wildlife resources and habitats.

Endangered Species

  • As the Service's lead office for three listed species, we coordinated recovery plans for the federally threatened eastern prairie fringed orchid, Hine's emerald dragonfly, and Mead's milkweed (draft soon to be released for public comment).
  • Provide support for The Nature Conservancy to coordinate Illinois volunteer efforts to restore the federally threatened eastern prairie fringed orchid, and monitor several northeast Illinois populations of this species.
  • Negotiated mitigation plans with local industries and corporations to protect and restore habitat for the federally endangered Hine's emerald dragonfly and the threatened eastern prairie fringed orchid.
  • Active participant in efforts to conserve/restore northeastern Illinois populations of the eastern massasauga rattlesnake, a candidate for listing as a federally threatened or endangered species.  

  Habitat Restoration-Partners for Fish and Wildlife 

  • Work with landowners interested in preserving or restoring habitat on their properties.
  • Conducted a resource inventory of the Chicago River, and remain actively involved in wetland restorations that will benefit this aquatic resource.
  • Responsible for administering grants and technical assistance for natural resources projects sponsored by citizen groups, educational institutions and local agencies.

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Region 3

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This page last updated August 25, 2004 .