Title Bar Image for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Chicago Illinois Field Office

History & Highlights

Endangered Species  

Federal Projects & Permits

Habitat Restoration

Education & Outreach

Environmental Contaminants

Pre-construction & Cell Tower Consultation


Staff Contacts

Jobs with USFWS


Through the Service's Federal Activities Program, we provide technical assistance, review, and make recommendations for projects that involve federal funding or authorizations, and which may impact natural resources. 

Our role in the planning process is to help other Federal agencies develop projects that avoid impacts to natural resources.  We accomplish that by identifying project  aspects which might impact fish, wildlife, aquatic, and other natural resources, or affect federally threatened or endangered species. 

Image- Water-resource projects (like this stream enhancement/restoration) that require permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. are reviewed through the Federal Activities Program.

We most commonly provide review and comment on Pre-Construction Notices or Individual Permit Notices proposed for authorization by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under section 404 of the Clean Water Act  or section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act.  Our review and comment focuses on ensuring that projects avoid, minimize, or compensate impacts to wetlands, fish and wildlife, migratory birds, and endangered and threatened species.   

Pre-Permitting Coordination/Early Consultation
If you are planning a project that may require a permit or other Federal involvement, and which may impact aquatic or other fish and wildlife resources, project proponents can request early coordination while your project is being planned.  Early coordination may save a great deal of time because it allows all parties an opportunity to identify and address project components that may be problematic to Service Trust Resources.  We provide pre-permitting (or pre-application) threatened and endangered (T&E) species consultation or cell tower consultation T&E species or cell tower consultations.  

To initiate early coordination, you may call us, or send a cover letter describing the location and major components of the project, copies of preliminary plans (if available), and a clearly highlighted (e.g., bold-type) request for early coordination to: 

John D. Rogner, Field Supervisor
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Chicago Illinois Field Office
1250 S. Grove St., Suite 103
Barrington, Illinois 60010

Why do other Federal agencies work with the Service?
The role of the Service in consulting with other Federal Agencies is governed by various administrative rules and acts of congress.  These most commonly include the National Environmental Policy Act (or "NEPA"), the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

Links to Federal Partners
While our Federal activities role could at times dictate that we interact with virtually any other Federal agency, there are several with which we work on a regular and recurring basis.  Links below will take you to the to the local offices or national programs of our partner agencies. 

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Federal Highways Agency
Federal Aviation Administration
United States Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District
United States Environmental Protection Agency Region 5
United States Forest Service, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie
Natural Resource Conservation Service, Illinois (then search by county)

For more information about our involvement with Federal Activities, or to request assistance with preparing pre-application planning documents, contact Shawn Cirton or Karla Kramer.


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Region 3

The Chicago Illinois Field office would like your feedback and will consider all suggestions for improving our web pages, or for providing new pages with additional information.  Please direct comments regarding this page to the webmaster.  
This page last updated July 19, 2004 .