Overseas Staff
CEEBIC's Washington and Overseas Staff - April 2002

is a business facilitation program for U.S. firms interested in expanding into the Central and Sountheastern European markets. Established in 1990 by Congressional legislation under the Support for East European Democracy (SEED) Act, CEEBIC is a one-stop shop and the U.S. Government's clearinghouse for the most recent economic, commercial, and financial information on the countries of Central and SouthEastern Europe. CEEBIC offers a wide array of services, business counseling, and information products designed to help primarily small- and medium-sized U.S. companies. CEEBIC's Washington-based trade specialists and dedicated overseas staff in 10 areas of the region work together to implement this unique program for U.S. firms.

CEEBIC Services

CEEBICnet (www.export.gov/ceebic) -- Updated daily, CEEBICnet is the most current and comprehensive source of economic, commercial, and financial information on the region. The site features trade and investment leads, sources of finance, a core library of regularly updated country market information, as well as the latest news from the region, including U.S. embassy reports. CEEBICnet provides links to the home pages of each Central and East European country, Internet resources on the region, and other U.S. Government agencies.

Individualized Business Counseling -- CEEBIC's experienced trade specialists will provide individualized counseling over the phone or by appointment. CEEBIC will help U.S. companies to enter the markets of Central and Southeastern Europe, and to advise them of export and investment issues, including those related to market access. CEEBIC staff will continue to offer advice and guidance to companies once they have entered these markets.

Overseas Network -- CEEBIC's overseas staff in the region gather information and business opportunities, which are then distributed through CEEBICnet and CEEBIC publications. CEEBIC's trade specialists in Washington work together with the overseas employees to provide detailed answers to U.S. firms' inquiries about business opportunities.


Southeastern Europe Business Brief (SEEBB)
Published on a weekly basis via e-mail, the SEEBB summarizes the latest commercial and economic developments in Southeast Europe.

Southeast Europe Commercial Quarterly (SEECQ)
A centralized source for commercial developments and opportunities in Southeastern Europe, distributed quarterly, providing U.S. firms with market analysis and commercial opportunities in: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, Kosovo, and Romania.

To subscribe to any or all of these publications, please e-mail CEEBIC at ceebic@ita.doc.gov.

Copyright © 2003 CEEBIC.