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We are working on having all of our publications available in both PDF and HTML formats.

Exercised Lately? Check out videos of a so-called life without physical activity.

10 Tips To Healthy Eating and Physical Activity For You
Get on track now by learning to eat right and building physical activity into your daily routine. Click to download: PDF or HTML

Be a Winner in Fitness
Get the facts on the President's Challenge. Learn how you can "Be a winner in fitness!" Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Catch the Ball (Girls and women's fitness tips)
Get to know the benefits of girls' sports participation. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Exercise and Weight Control
Put more action into your life! Discover how regular activity can help control your weight. Learn how to calculate the calories burned by common activities. Get tips for starting and keeping up a regular exercise routine. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Exercise: A Guide from the National Institute on Aging

Fast Facts About Sports Nutrition
These fast facts will show you the importance of everything from water to spinach. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Fitness Fundamentals: Guidelines for Personal Exercise Programs
Create a personal exercise program that's right for you. From endurance to flexibility, learn how to design a sound routine that includes all the basic components of physical fitness. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Get Fit: A Handbook for Youth Ages 6-17
Learn a fun way to get in shape for the President's Challenge Youth Physical Fitness Awards program. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Get Moving America: May is Fitness Month
Help spread the word that regular activity can make you healthier and happier! Learn how you or your organization can plan, finance, and promote successful fitness events like an exercise fair, lecture, or road race. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Getting America Moving (PCPFS history)

Healthy People 2010 -- Focus Area 22: Physical  Activity and Fitness

Healthy People 2010 Leading Health Indicators (LHI)

Healthy People 2000/2010 — National Health Promotion Disease Prevention Objectives
Learn about national physical activity and fitness goals that strive to make all Americans more fit and healthy. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Introducing the Physician's Rx: Exercise
Steer your patients toward a more active lifestyle. Health professionals can use this brochure to prescribe physical activity as part of their overall treatment and recommendations for a healthier life. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Kids In Action (Fitness for children 2-6)
Get toddlers moving! Learn fun, adult-directed fitness activities for 2 to 6 year-olds. Click or select to download:PDF or HTML

Life Advice: About...Your Child and Organized Sports
Attention soccer Moms, and Little League Dads and all parents ... Learn healthy ways to encourage your child to participate in organized sports. Get pointers on dealing with coaches, winning, losing and fair play. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Nolan Ryan Fitness Guide
Get great advice and inspiration from baseball legend Nolan Ryan. Design, track and maintain an exercise regimen, at any age. Discover helpful tips for overcoming common barriers like boredom or a busy schedule. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

PCPFS Physical Education Statement

PCPFS Research Digests

Pep Up Your Life: A Fitness Book for Mid-Life and Older Persons
Learn more than 35 convenient exercises to increase flexibility, strength and endurance. It's never too late to start a regular fitness routine! Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Peter D. Hart Research — American Attitudes Toward Physical Activity & Fitness, A National Survey
Find out about American attitudes toward physical activity and fitness. This national survey was prepared by the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports in conjunction with the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Physical Activity and Sport in the Lives of Girls
Explore the benefits and hazards of girls' participation in sports, including the physical, psychological, social and educational effects. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Physical Activity Fact Sheet (Facts to accompany physical education statement)

Questions Most Frequently Asked About Sports Nutrition
What diet is best for athletes? Do athletes have special nutritional needs? These and other questions are answered. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Rx: Physical Activity
PDF (English) or PDF (Spanish) or HTML

Surgeon General's Report Fact Sheet: Adolescents and Young Adults
Explore the key facts, figures and benefits of physical fitness for adolescents and young adults. See how your community can encourage activity programs for this age group. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Surgeon General's Report Fact Sheet:  Adults
Get the facts and figures on how adults can benefit from regular physical activity and fitness. Explore community initiatives that support adult programs. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Surgeon General's Report Fact Sheet:  Older Adults
Discover the health impact of regular physical activity and fitness on older adults. See what your community can do to encourage seniors. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Surgeon General's Report Fact Sheet:  Persons with Disabilities
Learn the benefits of regular physical activity and fitness for physically disabled individuals. Learn how your community can support programs for people with special needs. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Surgeon General's Report Fact Sheet:  The Link Between Physical Activity and Morbidity and Mortality
See how much regular physical activity can improve health and reduce the risk of developing chronic disease. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Surgeon General's Report Fact Sheet:  Women
See how women are affected by regular physical activity and fitness. Includes suggestions for communities to encourage programs for women. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Surgeon General's Report on Physical Activity and Health - Executive Summary
Are Americans physically fit and active? Review current research on the role physical activity plays in disease prevention and health promotion. Learn how efforts to increase physical activity among Americans are faring. For full report, see Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

Surgeon General's Report on Physical Activity and Health - Full Report

Walking Works

Winning Nutrition for Athletes
Learn what to eat and drink to keep you going on the court or the field. Click or select to download: PDF or HTML

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The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports United States Department of Health and Human Services United States Department of Health and Human Services