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Physical Activity & Health

Avoiding the Muscle Hustle: Tips for Buying Exercise Equipment

Exercise and Your Heart:  A Guide to Physical Activity

Helping Your Overweight Child

Keep Active - Safe At Any Age

Life Advice About...Fitness and Exercise

On the Teen Scene:  Should You Go on a Diet

Setting Goals for Weight Loss

Staying Healthy at 50+

Ways to Win at Weight Loss

Weight Loss:  Finding a Weight Loss Program that Works for You

You Can Control Your Weight As You Quit Smoking


Nutrition & Health

Action Guide for Healthy Eating

Bulking Up Fiber's Healthful Reputation

Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2000

Eat Right to Help Lower Your High Blood Pressure

Food Guide Pyramid

Fruits and Vegetables:  Eating Your Way to 5 A Day

Growing Older, Eating Better

Making Healthy Food Choices

Recipes and Tips for Healthy, Thrifty Meals

Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans


Medical Information

Boning Up on Osteoporosis

Eating Disorders:  Facts About Eating Disorders and the Search for Solutions

High Blood Pressure:  Treat It for Life

Noninsulin-Dependent Diabetes


Rheumatoid Arthritis

So You Have High Blood Cholesterol

Questions & Answers About Arthritis and Exercise

Questions & Answers About Arthritis Pain

Questions & Answers About Knee Problems

Understanding Acute Low Back Problems

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The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports United States Department of Health and Human Services United States Department of Health and Human Services