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Photo montage of man in uniform holding child, man in uniform speaking to child, man in uniform holding flag Logo of The Shield of Freedom In Your Community
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     Air Show Requests

Click here for the PDF Air Show Request Form


A Coast Guard HH-65 Dolphin helicopter from Air Station Miami flies above a 41-foot utility boat off Fort Lauderdale, Fla., while participating in the Fort Lauderdale Air and Sea Show.

As your Coast Guard we want to forge the strongest possible relationships with those we serve. Air shows can be exciting and educational events that bring together the entire community.

The Coast Guard works closely with local groups to provide a Coast Guard presence that enhances the event’s appeal. Groups who wish to request an air show must submit a request that includes basic information such as event sponsor, date, and location. Submit all requests in writing on Form DD2535, available at the link above. 

To request an air show in your community, click here to download a PDF form that you can complete and submit.  Once you complete the form you can send it, along with any questions, to Mr. Steve Blando via:

email at:  sblando@comdt.uscg.mil

or by mail to:    

ATTN: Steve Blando
U.S. Coast Guard
2100 Second Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20593-0001
Fax:  (202) 267-4737