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     Public Service Awards    
Photo of Certificate and Medal

The Coast Guard maintains several Public Service Awards to recognize private citizens, groups, or organizations for helping the Coast Guard carry out its missions. These awards include:

Coast Guard Distinguished Public Service Award. Aside from the Gold and Silver Life-Saving Medals, this is the highest public recognition that the Commandant of the Coast Guard may award. Distinguished Public Service Awards are given to recognize:

  • Extraordinary heroism in advancing the Coast Guard’s mission
  • Exceptional coordination and/or cooperation in matters pertaining to the Coast Guard’s responsibilities
  • Personal and direct contribution to the Coast Guard that had a direct bearing on the accomplishment of the Coast Guard’s responsibilities to its citizens.

Coast Guard Meritorious Public Service Award.  The second-highest Public Service Award is given to recognize: 

  • Unusual courage in advancing a Coast Guard mission
  • Substantial contribution to the Coast  Guard that produced tangible results
  • Specific individual accomplishments that provide unique benefits to the public

Coast Guard Public Service Commendation. This award is intended primarily to recognize personal and beneficial contributions to the Coast Guard’s responsibilities. Recipients are recognized for: 

  • Courage or initiative in advancing one or more Coast Guard missions
  • Beneficial contribution in one mission area or a limited geographical area

Coast Guard Certificate of Merit. This award recognizes significant endeavors such as: 

  • Displaying initiative in advancing one or more of the Coast Guard’s missions
  • Significant effort that resulted in the completion of a project or program significantly beneficial to the Coast Guard’s missions and responsibilities.

Coast Guard Certificate of Appreciation. These certificates are presented to individuals or groups who have exhibited public-spirited efforts that benefit Coast Guard personnel or missions.  


Any Coast Guard member can nominate an individual or organization for a public service award through his or her chain of command.  

Awards are given to individuals or organizations not directly affiliated with the Coast Guard.  

For more information on nominations and eligibility, email Angela McArdle at amcardle@comdt.uscg.mil