Grazing / Land Use / Weeds / RAC / Riparian / Animals / Plants  / Wildlife / Horses

Noxious Weeds

wh3noxweed1.gif (4649 bytes)Noxious weeds are increasing on western BLM administered lands at approximately 2300 acres per day, but it is also important to remember that 95 percent of BLM administered lands are not yet significantly infested.

These non-native plant species destroy the land’s potential and impact many sectors of our economy, destroying wildlife habitat and lowering forage use, and adversely affecting hunting, fishing, livestock grazing, crop production, and other recreational and commercial uses.

The spread of noxious weeds is on the rise, and occurrences of some of these noxious invaders are increasing. BLM is working in cooperation with federal and state agencies, county governments, and private landowners to identify and control these invasive plants before they degrade ecosystems and damage land productivity. Through inventories and weed prevention practices, BLM is helping to eliminate noxious weeds in Utah.

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Utah Weed Page All you ever wanted to know about noxious weeds in Utah--interesting info about partners (we can't do it alone!), etc. and photos.

National Weed Page Bureau-wide weed info with links to other BLM State Office Pages.

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Bureau of Land Management
Utah State Office
PO Box 45155
Salt Lake City, Utah 84145-0155
Phone: (801) 539-4001
Fax:      (801) 539-4013

Created by Utah Bureau of  Land Management
Last Updated:  May 20, 2004
