Grazing / Land Use / Weeds / RAC / Riparian / Animals / Plants  / Wildlife / Horses

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The diverse ecosystems and mosaic landscapes of BLM public lands provide habitat for over 600 species of wildlife, and 100 special status plants and animals. BLM's wildlife habitat management goal is to ensure the natural abundance and diversity of wildlife resources on public lands by restoring, maintaining, and enhancing habitat productivity and quality. BLM manages the public lands to provide suitable habitat for fish, wildlife, and special status species of plants and animals.

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Hunting and Fishing in Utah is regulated by the State of Utah Division of Wildlife Resources

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Bureau of Land Management
Utah State Office
PO Box 45155
Salt Lake City, Utah 84145-0155
Phone: (801) 539-4001
Fax:      (801) 539-4013

Created by Utah Bureau of  Land Management
Last Updated:  May 20, 2004
