
Links Disclaimer: Links from this page to non-Coast Guard sites are provided as a customer service and do not represent any implicit or explicit endorsement by the United States Coast Guard of any commercial or private issues or products presented there.

Coast Guard Links

U.S. Department of Homeland Security: The most significant transformation of the U.S. government in over a half-century, the creation of this cabinet-level agency is an important step in the President's national strategy for homeland security. The Coast Guard falls under this department as of March 1, 2003.

U.S. Department of Transportation: The DOT Web site provides information about the Department's organization, key officials, mission, and other important information related to managing the Department and accomplishing its mission. In addition, this site provides users with the Department's latest news.

The Coast Guard's News & Information: The Coast Guard's News & Information page provides the latest Coast Guard news, including the latest statistics and links to additional information and publications.

Governmental and Public Affairs: The Coast Guard's Governmental and Public Affairs Directorate has recently developed a website with additional Deepwater related information. The site includes Coast Guard references, hot topics, articles, speeches, links and other information.

Rescue 21: Rescue 21 will replace the Coast Guard's antiquated and inadequate short-range distress communications system, providing a best value integrated system at the lowest total ownership cost.

Aircraft Acquisition Projects (G-ACJ): The U.S. Coast Guard's HC-130J and C-37A Aircraft Acquisition Projects site is intended to provide information and news specific to the Coast Guard's project to acquire and convert the C-130J aircraft to the maritime patrol aircraft (HC-130J) configuration. Additionally, the project will acquire one C-37A aircraft suitably configured to replace the existing C-20B Long Range Command and Control Aircraft (LRCCA). The C-37A aircraft will be used for domestic and international transportation and command and control operations.

Future Force 21 (FF21): Trends in the Coast Guard's strategic environment, including scenarios that may surface either explicitly or implicitly in Deepwater proposals, are change drivers with associated implications for the Service's Human Resources System. FF21 seeks to reinvent the structures, schemes, and policies of Coast Guard Human Resources in order to attract and retain the highly technical workforce required now and in the future.

Team Resource Links

Integrated Coast Guard Systems: Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman Ship Systems created Integrated Deepwater Systems (ICGS), a new business entity. Jointly owned by the two corporations, ICGS is the single point of accountability for all IDS activities. ICGS offers the Coast Guard a management approach with direct access to a combined systems integration and shipbuilding organization at significantly lower cost compared to traditional prime-subcontractor relationships. ICGS performance is fully guaranteed by Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman.

Lockheed Martin: Lockheed Martin is a customer focused, global enterprise principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products, and services for government and commercial customers. Lockheed Martin operates in the same context as its customers and is deeply involved in solving the problems and meeting the demands and expectations of its customers. Moreover, it leads the way in showing customers new systems-based possibilities and opportunities. The Corporation's core business areas are systems integration, aeronautics, space, and technology services.

Northrop Grumman: Northrop Grumman designs, develops, and manufactures aircraft and aircraft sub assemblies, electronic systems, and components for military and commercial use, and operates and supports computer systems.

Last Updated: 24-Jun-2004