Earth Sciences Directorate, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
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Earth Observing SystemsGlobal ChangeAtmospheresTerrestrial PhysicsEarth and Space Data ComputingSpace StudiesHydrospheric Processes
EOS Project Science OfficeGlobal Change Data CenterLaboratory for AtmospheresLaboratory for Terrestrial PhysicsEarth & Space Data Computing DivisionGoddard Institute of Space StudiesLaboratory for Hydrospheric Processes
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Projects & Project Scientists
of the Earth Sciences Directorate


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Project Project Scientist
Acrimsat James Hansen (Co-I)
Aqua Claire Parkinson
Steve Platnick (Deputy)
Aura Mark Schoeberl
Anne Douglas (Deputy Science Team Leader)
Ernie Hilsenrath (Deputy for Inst., Tech., Out.)
Cloudsat Matt McGill (Mission Scientist)
EOS (Earth Observing System) Michael King
David Starr (Validation Scientist)
James Butler (Calibration Scientist)
EOSDIS (EOS Data & Information System) Skip Reber
EP TOMS (Earth Probe TOMS) Pawan Bhartia
ESSP (Earth System Science Pathfinder Project) Marc Imhoff
ESSP-3-CALISPO Matt McGill (Mission Scientist)
GCMD (Global Change Master Directory) Elissa Levine
GLOBE (Global Learning & Observations to Benefit the Environment) Elissa Levine
GLAS Instrument (Geoscience Laser Altimeter System) James Abshire
GOES (Geostationary Operational Environment Satellite) Dennis Chesters
ICESat (Ice, Cloud, and Elevation Satellite) Jay Zwally
Chris Shuman (Deputy)
Landsat 7 Darrel Williams
James Irons (Deputy)
LDCM (Landsat Data Continuity Mission) Jim Irons (Project Scientist)
Jeff Masek (Deputy)
Messenger Laser Altimeter Instrument David Smith
MOLA (Mars Orbiting Laser Altimeter) David Smith
New Millenium EO-1 Steven Ungar
NPP (NPOESS Preparatory Project) Robert Murphy (Project Scientist)
Jeff Privette (Deputy)
NSIPP (NASA Seasonal-to-Interannual Prediction Project) Michele Rienecker
POES (Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite) Joel Susskind
SLA (Shuttle Laser Altimeter) David Harding
SeaWIFS (Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor) Chuck McClain
Stan Hooker (Deputy)
SIMBIOS (Sensor Intercomparison & Merger for
Biological, Interdisciplinary, & Oceanic Studies)
Chuck McClain
Simplesat David Skillman
SORCE (SOlar Radiation and Climate Experiment) Robert Cahalan
Terra Jon Ranson
Si-Chee Tsay (Deputy)
Triana Jay Herman
TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) Robert Adler

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