Earth Sciences Directorate, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
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Earth Observing SystemsGlobal ChangeAtmospheresTerrestrial PhysicsEarth and Space Data ComputingSpace StudiesHydrospheric Processes
EOS Project Science OfficeGlobal Change Data CenterLaboratory for AtmospheresLaboratory for Terrestrial PhysicsEarth & Space Data Computing DivisionGoddard Institute of Space StudiesLaboratory for Hydrospheric Processes
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Missions in Formulation & Project Scientists/
ESSP Proposals & Principal Investigators
of the Earth Sciences Directorate
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Missions in Formulation Project Scientists
GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) Eric Smith
Marshall Shepherd (Deputy)
Erich Stocker (Deputy for Data Systems)
Aquarius David Levine (Deputy PI)
Hydros (Hydrospheric States Mission) Marc Imhoff
Global Carbon Cycle Chuck McClain
Global Water Cycle Paul Houser
GTWS (Global Tropospheric Wind Sounder) Robert Atlas

ESSP Proposals Principal Investigator
COBRA (CO2 Black Carbon Radiation and Aerosols) Yoram Kaufman
ESEI (Extended Special Events Imager) Wayne Esaias
GeoTrace William Brunne (Penn State)
COVIR (Compact Visible and Infrared Radiometer) Jim Spinhirne

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