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Pre-launch Activities
Entry, Descent, and Landing
Rover Egress
Surface Operations
communications to earth
Mission Timeline: Surface Operations

Surface Operations begin once the rover has completed its egress. The rovers were designed to last for 90 days on the martian surface.

Surface operations includes two highly interconnected efforts:

Engineers responsible for rover navigation and science team members must work closely together to achieve mission goals. What the rover will actually do on the surface will depend on complex calculations from the science team on which rock, soil, and other targets are high-priority and then intense discussion with the engineering team on whether the rover can actually move toward those targets safely and quickly.

Practicing surface operations here on Earth

Before the rovers get to Mars, the science and engineering teams practice surface operations here on Earth through "field tests." In preparation for this mission, a rover called FIDO was taken out to a remote desert location, while the scientists and engineers worked together to move it toward interesting science targets. To see what this experience was like, visit the FIDO Field Test site.

Eventual End of Mission

Toward the end of the surface phase for both missions, both power and telecom capabilities will be decreasing, as the Earth and the Sun become more distant from Mars, dust falls on the solar panels, the batteries lose capacity, and the Sun moves further North past the landing site latitude. Eventually, somewhere near Sol 91 it is expected that the rover will be unable to store up enough thermal or battery energy to prevent its components´ overnight temperatures from falling below flight allowable levels. That will sooner or later result in failure of one or more of those components, silencing the rover forever.

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