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EMI > Integrated Emergency Management Course

About Integrated Emergency Management Course

...A learning experience in how to manage emergencies. Protecting the population is a primary responsibility of government, and fulfilling this responsibility depends on the abilities of emergency personnel to prepare for, respond to, recovery from, and mitigate against disaster. It means developing and maintaining a high standard of readiness and an ability to function effectively under crisis conditions.

Emergency personnel can attain readiness either through managing emergencies or through participating in exercises. Clearly, exercises are the preferred method of gaining the necessary expertise.

The Integrated Emergency Management Course, offered by the Emergency Management Institute of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), places public officials and emergency personnel in a realistic crisis situation within a structured learning environment.

Early in the course, an emergency scenario begins to unfold in sequence with classroom-style lectures, discussions and small-group workshops. As the course progresses, scenario-related events of increasing complexity, threat, and pressure occur. Participants develop emergency policies, plans, and procedures to ensure an effective response. The course culminates in an emergency exercise designed to test participant knowledge, awareness, flexibility, leadership, and interpersonal skills under extreme pressure.

Participants are challenged to use the new ideas, skills, and abilities in addition to their own knowledge and experience. In this way, the Integrated Emergency Management Course allows individuals to rehearse their real-life roles in a realistic emergency situation, while at the same time identifying additional planning needs.




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An official web site of the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency
U.S. Fire Administration, 16825 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, MD 21727 Voice: (301) 447-1000