Each Member of Congress is given the opportunity to sit on committees
 and subcommittees.  Although members attempt to join committees of
 interest to their district and constituents, it is not always possible. 
 Henry was honored his Freshman year to be given a seat on the
 powerful Appropriations Committee.  This honor had not been bestowed
 on a Freshman Member of Congress for more than 25 years. 

Since then, Henry has quickly moved up the committee ranks.  He
 currently serves as Chairman of the Agriculture Appropriations
 Subcommittee and sits on the Defense
and Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittees.


Divided into thirteen subcommittees, the Appropriations Committee is responsible for allocating actual spending in each area of the federal
 budget. To view the Appropriations Committee here


The highly significant Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, 
Rural Development, FDA and Related Agencies is responsible for the
 programs that keep America the world's leader in agriculture. 
As chairman of the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, 
Mr. Bonilla oversees all of the nation's agriculture funding. He also
 oversees a wide range of agriculture issues including the nation's food
 supply and inspection, the Food and Drug Administration, emergency
 disaster relief, agriculture research, rural development, 
and farm and ranch programs.

In addition to funding a wide range of important, traditional programs, 
the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee is also responsible for 
nationwide nutrition programs (including the School Lunch Program
 and the Federal Food Stamp Program), private lands conservation,
and the Wildlife Services Program.