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    Fishing Mortality Rate - a measurement of the rate of removal of fish from a population by fishing. Fishing mortality rate can be reported as either annual or instantaneous. Annual mortality is the percentage of fish dying in one year. Instantaneous mortality is that percentage of fish dying at any one point in time.
    The point on the spawning per recruit curve at which the level of spawning per recruit is 35% or 40% of the maximum.
    The level of fishing mortality that results in a spawning potential ratio of 20% of the maximum.
    The level of fishing mortality that results in a spawning potential ratio of 25% of the maximum.
    The level of fishing mortality that results in a spawning potential ratio of 30% of the maximum.
    The level of fishing mortality that results in a spawning potential of 40% of the maximum.
    The level of fishing mortality that results in the allowable biological catch.
    Food and Agriculture Organization (United Nations)
    United States Food and Drug Administration
    The joining or fusion of the male gamete (sperm) and the female gamete (egg) to form a zygote during sexual reproduction. See also gamete, zygote.
Fin ray
    a slender, rod-shaped structure that supports the membranes of the fins. There are two types of rays, soft rays and spines. Soft rays are jointed, often branches, and flexible near their tips. Spines are unjointed, unbranched, and usually sharp at the tip and stiff along the shaft.
fish word
    The industry or occupation devoted to the catching, processing, or selling of fish, shellfish, or other aquatic animals.
    Men and women who fish for a livelihood
    The level of fishing mortality that results in the greatest yield from the fishery.
    Fishery Management Plan - a plan to achieve specified management goals for a fishery prepared under the authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.
    The level of fishing mortality that results in the maximum sustainable yield.
    The level of fishing mortality defined as overfishing.
    The level of fishing mortality associated with the average catch from 1978 through 1995 for Gulf of Alaska groundfish and Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands groundfish.
Food Chain
    A linear sequence of organisms that exist on successive trophic levels within a natural community, through which energy is transferred by feeding. Primary producers capture energy from the environment (through photo- or chemo-synthesis) and form the base of the food chain. Energy is then passed to primary consumers (herbivores) and on to secondary and tertiary consumers (carnivores and top carnivores) (e.g. phytoplankton -> zooplankton -> herring -> salmon -> killer whales). Once they die, these organisms are in turn consumed and their energy transferred to detrivores and decomposers.
Food Web
    A non-linear network of feeding between organisms that includes many food chains, and hence multiple organisms on each trophic level. For example, both sharks and tuna eat herring, and sharks also eat tuna. Visit and tour around the Pacific Northwest Food Web on the OceanLink Web site.
    Fish Passage Control (Oregon)
    Young salmon who are able to swim and catch their own food

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last modified 06/07/2004

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