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Random variable
    A variable whose values are random but whose statistical distribution is known.
    Regulatory Code of Washington
    Improvement in the status of a listed species to the point at which listing is no longer appropriate.
    (1) Entry of new fish into a population, whether by reproduction or immigration; (2) Addition of new individuals to the fished component of a stock (because they have acquired the size, age, or location that makes them part of it.)
    A salmon nest, dug out of the gravel in the stream bed by the adult female
Regression analysis
    The use of regression to make quantitative predictions of one variable from the values of another.
Renewable Resource
    A resource that can be replenished through natural processes within a human life span, if it is soundly managed. Compare nonrenewable resource.
    A natural or artificial pond or lake used for the storage and regulation of water.
    Restoring or bringing back to a former place, station, or condition.
    Resource Enhancement and Utilization Technologies Division (Northwest Fisheries Science Center)
    Living on or located on a river bank
    Ribonucleic acid. A nucleic acid that transmits genetic information from DNA to the cytoplasm; controls certain chemical processes in the cell.
Rock Sole
    Pleuronectes bilineatus
    Recovery Science Review Panel.

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last modified 06/07/2004

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