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DOE National Laboratory Programs

The Basic Energy Sciences (BES) program is one of the Nation's major sponsors of fundamental research in broad areas of materials sciences, chemical sciences, biosciences, geosciences, and engineering sciences.   Through BES subprograms in these areas, the program encompasses more than 2,400 researchers in 200 institutions.  The DOE national laboratory system and its many premier user facilities play a major role in the BES program.  Provided below are brief descriptions of BES program activities at the fourteen DOE national laboratories where we support scientific research.

Ames Laboratory

Ames Laboratory is a Multiprogram Laboratory located on 10 acres in Ames, Iowa. The laboratory was built on the campus of Iowa State University during World War II to emphasize the purification and science of rare earth materials. This emphasis continues today. The BES Materials Sciences subprogram supports experimental and theoretical research on rare earth elements in novel mechanical, magnetic, and superconducting materials. Ames scientists are leading experts on magnets, superconductors, and quasicrystals that incorporate rare earth elements. Recent innovations include the use of a rare earth alloy and the magnetocaloric effect to achieve efficient refrigeration without gases that are harmful to the atmosphere. The BES Chemical Sciences subprogram supports studies of heterogeneous electron transfer in self-assembled monolayers, ultrafast spectroscopic techniques to examine energy transfer phenomena, and studies of molecular beams to obtain highly accurate and precise thermochemical information for small molecules and radicals. Ames Laboratory continues to provide leadership in analytical chemistry with strength in organometallic based catalysis and heavy metal extraction chemistry important to high level wastes.

The laboratory is also home to the Materials Preparation Center (MPC), a user facility dedicated to the preparation, purification, and characterization of rare-earth, alkaline-earth, and refractory metal materials. Established in 1981, the MPC consolidates and makes available to scientists at university, industry, and government facilities the capabilities related to synthesis, processing, and characterization of advanced materials developed at Ames Laboratory during the course of its 40 years of basic research. Although the MPC is designated a national user facility, its operation differs from that of other such facilities in that the users do not conduct experimental or research activities within the Center; rather, they receive high purity materials or unique characterization services that are not available from commercial suppliers, on a full cost recovery basis. The MPC operates the Materials Referral System and Hotline and provides immeasurable value to the superconductivity community by publishing the bi-monthly High Tc Update.

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) in Argonne, Illinois, is a Multiprogram Laboratory located on 1,700 acres in suburban Chicago. ANL has a satellite site located in Idaho Falls, Idaho. ANL is home to one of the largest BES research efforts in broad areas of materials, chemical, and geosciences, and it is the site of three BES supported user facilities -- the Advanced Photon Source (APS), the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source (IPNS), and the Electron Microscopy Center for Materials Research (EMC).

The Materials Sciences subprogram supports research in high-temperature superconductivity; polymeric superconductors; thin-film magnetism; surface science; the synthesis, characterization, and atomistic computer simulation of interfaces in advanced ceramic thin-films; the investigation of the effects of neutron, gamma, and ion-irradiation of solids; tribological investigation of the boundary films on aluminum and aluminum alloys; and synthesis and electronic and structural characterization of oxide ceramic materials, including high-temperature superconductors. The Chemical Sciences subprogram supports research in actinide separations; fundamental physical and chemical properties of actinide compounds; structural aspects fundamental to advanced batteries and coal chemistry; experimental and theoretical studies of metal clusters of catalytically active transition metals; molecular dynamics of gas-phase chemical reactions of small molecules and radicals; photosynthesis mechanisms; and atomic, molecular, and optical physics. ANL has one of three pulsed radiolysis centers that together form a national research program in this area. The other two are at Brookhaven National Laboratory and Notre Dame University. The Engineering and Geosciences subprogram supports research processes controlling the mobility of fluids and metals in the Earth's crust.

The Advanced Photon Source is one of only three third-generation, hard x-ray, synchrotron radiation light sources worldwide. Dedicated on May 1, 1996 by the Secretary of Energy, the project was completed five months ahead of schedule and for $13 million less than the baseline construction budget of $811 million. The APS has met or exceeded all technical specifications. The design of the 7 GeV synchrotron is optimized for insertion devices. This high-brilliance light source will be used by as many as 2,000 users annually to study the structure and properties of materials in a variety of disciplines including condensed matter physics, materials sciences, chemistry, geosciences, structural biology, medical imaging, and environmental sciences. In addition, the light source will be used for a variety of technological applications, including micromachining and lithography.

The Intense Pulsed Neutron Source is a 30 Hz short-pulsed spallation neutron source using protons from a linac/rapid cycling synchrotron to produce neutrons in a depleted uranium target. Twelve beam lines serve 14 instruments, one of which is a test station for instrument development. IPNS was the first neutron or synchrotron source in the U.S. to operate all instruments in the user mode, with time allocated by an external committee. Distinguishing characteristics of IPNS include its innovative instrumentation and source technology and its dedication to serving the users. The first generation of virtually every pulsed source neutron scattering instrument was developed at IPNS. Scientists at IPNS have conceived techniques such as geometric and electronic time focusing, multi-chopper phasing, multiple converging aperture collimation, and neutron reflectometry. In addition, the source and moderator technology developed at IPNS, including uranium targets, liquid hydrogen and methane moderators, solid methane moderators, and decoupled reflectors, has impacted spallation sources worldwide. Research at IPNS is conducted in the structure of high-temperature superconductors, alloys, composites, polymers, catalysts, liquids and non-crystalline materials, materials for advanced energy technologies, and biological materials.

The Electron Microscopy Center for Materials Research provides in-situ, high-voltage and intermediate voltage, high-spatial resolution electron microscope capability for direct observation of ion-solid interactions during irradiation of samples with high-energy ion beams. The EMC employs a tandem accelerator for simultaneous ion irradiation and electron beam microcharacterization. It is the only instrumentation of its type in the Western Hemisphere. The unique combination of two ion accelerators and two microscopes permits direct, real-time, in-situ observation of the effects of ion and/or electron bombardment of materials and consequently attracts users from around the world.

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) is a Multiprogram Laboratory located on 5,200 acres in Upton, New York. BNL is home to BES major research efforts in materials and chemical sciences as well as to efforts in geosciences and biosciences. BNL is also the site of two BES supported user facilities -- the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) and the High Flux Beam Reactor (HFBR).

The Materials Sciences subprogram emphasizes experiments that make use of the NSLS and the HFBR. BNL scientists are among the world leaders in neutron and X-ray scattering applied to a wide variety of research problems such as high-temperature superconductivity, magnetism, structural and phase transformations in solids, and polymeric conductors. BNL has strong research programs in the structure and composition of grain boundaries and interfaces in high temperature superconductors, in aqueous and galvanic corrosion studies, and in the theory of alloy phases.

The Chemical Sciences subprogram supports one of three centers for pulsed radiolysis research at BNL. With the recent completion of a new innovative short-pulse radiation chemistry facility, BNL is well poised to contribute significantly to radiation sciences research for the next decade. There is also a forefront research project on the spectroscopy of reactive combustion intermediates and an active research effort on studies of the mechanisms of electron transfer related to artificial photosynthesis. Other Chemical Sciences research at BNL is focused around the unique capabilities of the NSLS in obtaining time dependant structural data of reacting systems, the structural changes accompanying catalytic and electrochemical reactions, and the formation of atmospheric aerosols and their reactivity.

The Energy Biosciences subprogram supports activities in the plant sciences, which include mechanistic and molecular-based studies on photosynthesis, lipid metabolism genetic systems. The studies on lipid biosynthesis may lead to exciting prospects for engineering new pathways for the synthesis of alternative fuels and petroleum-replacing chemicals. The Engineering and Geosciences subprogram supports synchrotron-based studies of rock-fluid interactions, particularly for investigations of diagenetic processes and synchrotron computed microtomography of porosity of reservoir rocks.

The National Synchrotron Light Source provides intense focused light from the infrared through the x-ray region of the spectrum by operating two electron storage rings: an X-ray ring and a vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) ring. X-Ray, ultraviolet, visible, and infra-red light from the storage rings is guided into 30 x-ray and 17 VUV beam ports, most of which are split into two to four experimental stations. The NSLS was commissioned in 1982. Annually, 2,300 scientists representing more than 350 institutions, over 50 of them corporations, conduct research at the NSLS in the fields of biology, chemistry, geology, materials science, medicine, metallurgy, and physics. In the basic sciences, researchers investigate the absorption and scattering of light to determine the properties of matter such as crystal structure, bonding energies of molecules, details of chemical and physical phase transformations, electronic structure and magnetic properties. The NSLS also serves as a training ground for future scientists. Between 1988 and 1998, over 600 students who earned doctorate degrees used the NSLS in their thesis research.

Idaho National Environmental and Engineering Laboratory

The Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) is a Multiprogram Laboratory located on 572,000 acres in Idaho Falls, Idaho. The Materials Sciences subprogram supports research in the modeling, growth, and properties of functionally gradient materials as an effective means of joining ceramic and metallic materials, on the microstructural evolution of rapidly solidified materials, and on high strength magnetic materials. The Chemical Sciences subprogram focuses on fundamental understanding of negative ion mass spectrometry, studies of secondary ion mass spectrometry, and computer simulation of ion motion and configuration of electromagnetic fields crucial to the design of ion optics. The Engineering and Geosciences subprogram supports studies to establish controls of biologically based engineering systems, to understand and improve the life expectancy of material systems used in engineering such as welded systems, to improve controls of nonlinear systems, and to develop new diagnostics techniques for engineering systems.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) is a Multiprogram Laboratory located in Berkeley, California, on a 200 acre site adjacent to the Berkeley campus of the University of California. LBNL is home to BES major research efforts in materials and chemical sciences as well as to efforts in geosciences, engineering, and biosciences. LBNL is also the site of two BES supported user facilities -- the Advanced Light Source (ALS) and the National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM)

The Materials Sciences subprogram supports research in laser spectroscopy, superconductivity, thin films, femtosecond processes, biopolymers, polymers and composites, surface science, and theory. Research is carried out on the fundamental features of evolving microstructures in solids; alloy-phase stability; structure and properties of transforming interfaces; and the structures of magnetic, optical, and electrical thin films and coatings. In the Center for Advanced Materials, research is conducted in the processing, mechanical fatigue, and high-temperature corrosion of structure ceramics and ceramic coatings; the synthesis, structure and properties of advanced semiconductor and semiconductor-metal systems; polymers; surface science and catalysis; and structure, development and magnetic properties of high performance metals and alloys. The Chemical Sciences subprogram has long excelled in fundamental, chemical dynamics research using molecular-beam techniques. Femtosecond spectroscopy studies of energy transfer on surfaces has also been developed. LBNL is recognized for its excellence in radiochemistry, the chemistry of the actinides, inorganic chemistry, and both homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical catalysis. The Engineering and Geosciences subprogram supports experimental and computational research on rock physics of porous and fractured rock, subsurface imaging through both seismologic and electromagnetic methods, and hydrologic research on fluid flow through both pores and fractures. Geochemical studies focus on advanced interpretations of low-temperature flow processes, innovations in analytical geochemistry, isotope and trace-element chemistry with mass spectrometric and synchrotron-based analyses. Engineering research is concerned with the development of modern nonlinear dynamics with applications to problems in engineering sciences. The Energy Biosciences subprogram focuses on the physics of the photosynthetic apparatus and on the genesis of subcellular organelles.

The Advanced Light Source, which began operations in October 1993, is one of the world's brightest sources of vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) light and long-wavelength (soft) X-rays while also serving as a world-class source of short-wavelength (intermediate-energy) X-rays.   VUV and soft X-rays are ideal tools for probing with high resolution the electronic and magnetic structure of atoms, molecules, and solids, such as high-temperature superconductors, as well as for studying solid surfaces and the molecules adsorbed on to them.   The high brightness and coherence makes the ALS particularly useful for soft x-ray imaging (e.g., biological structures, environmental samples, polymers, magnetic nanostructures, and other inhomogeneous materials), holography, and interferometry. The pulsed nature of the ALS light also offers special opportunities for time resolved research, such as the dynamics of chemical reactions. In the intermediate-energy range, experimental stations for structural molecular biology at the ALS provide world-class facilities for x-ray crystallography and x-ray spectroscopy of proteins and other biological macromolecules.

The National Center for Electron Microscopy provides instrumentation for high-resolution, electron-optical microcharacterization of atomic structure and composition of metals, ceramics, semiconductors, superconductors, and magnetic materials. The facility is home to the Nation’s highest voltage microscope, one which specializes in high resolution studies.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is a Multiprogram Laboratory located on 821 acres in Livermore, California. This laboratory was built in Livermore as a weapons laboratory some distance from the campus of the University of California at Berkeley to take advantage of the expertise of the university in the physical sciences. The Materials Sciences subprogram supports research in metals and alloys, ceramics, materials for lasers, superplasticity in alloys, and intermetallic metals. The Engineering and Geosciences subprogram supports research in the mechanisms and kinetics of low-temperature geochemical processes, laboratory research on the source of electromagnetic response in crustal rocks, modeling and laboratory experiments on rock fracturing, and reactive fluid flow and transport within fractures. The Chemical Sciences subprogram supports a new concept in catalysis, that of plasma assisted catalysis for environmental control of pollutants.

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is a Multiprogram Laboratory located on 27,000 acres in Los Alamos, New Mexico. LANL is home to BES major research efforts in materials sciences with other efforts in chemical sciences, geosciences, and engineering. LANL is also the site of an 800 MeV proton linac that is the basis for the Manuel Lujan Jr. Neutron Scattering Center at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE).

The Material Sciences subprogram supports research on strongly correlated electronic materials; the theory of evolving microstructures; and plasma immersion processes for ion-beam processing of surfaces for improved hardness, corrosion resistance, and wear resistance. The Chemical Sciences subprogram supports research to enhance the understanding of the role of geometry and coordination environment on the electronic structure and reactivity of actinides through the study of organometallic compounds. Also supported is work to understand the chemistry of plutonium and other light actinides in both near-neutral pH conditions and under strongly alkaline conditions relevant to radioactive wastes. The BES Engineering and Geosciences subprogram supports experimental and theoretical research on rock physics, seismic imaging, and the physics of the Earth's electromagnetic field. Engineering research supports work to study the viscosity of mixtures of particles in liquids.

The Manuel Lujan Jr. Neutron Scattering Center (Lujan Center) provides an intense pulsed source of neutrons to a variety of spectrometers for neutron scattering studies.  The Lujan Center features instruments for measurement of high-pressure and high-temperature samples, strain measurement, liquid studies, and texture measurement.  The facility has a long history and extensive experience in handling actinide samples.  A 30 Tesla magnet is also available for use with neutron scattering to study samples in high-magnetic fields.  The Lujan Center is part of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE), which is comprised of a high-power 800-MeV proton linear accelerator, a proton storage ring, production targets to the Lujan Center and the Weapons Neutron Research facility, and a variety of associated experiment areas and spectrometers for national security research and civilian research.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is a program-dedicated laboratory (Solar) located on 300 acres in Golden, Colorado. NREL was built to emphasize renewable energy technologies such as photovoltaics and other means of exploiting solar energy. The Materials Sciences subprogram supports basic research efforts that underpin this technological emphasis at this laboratory. For example, theoretical and experimental research on processing and properties of advanced semiconductor alloys and structures provided the basis for the computer-aided design and fabrication of a prototype solar cell; this cell has achieved 30% efficiency in conversion of the solar spectrum into electric energy. The Chemical Sciences subprogram supports research addressing the fundamental understanding of solid-state, artificial photosynthetic systems. This research includes the preparation and study of novel dye-sensitized semiconductor electrodes, characterization of the photophysical and chemical properties of quantum dots, and study of charge carrier dynamics in semiconductors. There is also basic research in synthesis related to catalysis and to advanced battery research addressing high-efficiency, thin-film cathodes based on doped vanadium and manganese oxides. The BES Energy Biosciences subprogram funds programs to examine the mechanisms of photosynthetic oxygen evolution. 

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) is a Multiprogram Laboratory located on 150 acres in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The BES program provides funding to ORISE for support for a consortium of university and industry scientists to share the ORNL research station at NSLS to study the atomic and molecular structure of matter (known as ORSOAR, the Oak Ridge Synchrotron Organization for Advanced Research). The BES program also funds ORISE to provide support for expert panel reviews of major new proposal competitions, external peer review of DOE laboratory programs, technical review of proposals for DOE's EPSCoR program, and EPSCoR site reviews and the evaluation of program needs and impacts. ORISE also assists in the writing of annual BES subprogram summary books, the administration of topical scientific workshops, and provides support for other activities such as for the review of the Spallation Neutron Source Conceptual Design Report.

ORISE manages the Shared Research Equipment Program (SHaRE) at ORNL. The SHaRE Program has made available state-of-the-art electron beam microcharacterization facilities for collaboration with researchers from universities, industry and other government laboratories.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is a Multiprogram Laboratory located on 24,000 acres in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. ORNL is home to major research efforts in materials and chemical sciences with additional programs in engineering and geosciences. It is the site of the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and the Radiochemical and Engineering Development Center (REDC). ORNL also leads the five-laboratory collaboration that will design and construct the Spallation Neutron Source.

ORNL has perhaps the most comprehensive materials research program in the country. The Materials Sciences subprogram supports basic research which underpins technological programs such as the energy efficiency program in superconductivity. Research is supported in superconductivity, magnetic materials, neutron scattering and x-ray scattering, electron microscopy, pulsed laser ablation, thin films, lithium battery materials, thermoelectric materials, surfaces, polymers, structural ceramics, alloys; and intermetallics. Research is carried out on the fundamentals of welding and joining and on welding strategies for a new generation of automobiles. The subprogram emphasizes experiments at HFIR and other specialized research facilities that include the Shared Research Equipment Program (SHaRE), and the Surface Modification and Characterization Facility.

The Chemical Sciences subprogram supports research in analytical chemistry, particularly in the area of mass spectrometry, separations chemistry, and thermo-physical properties. Examples of the science include solvation in supercritical fluids, electric field-assisted separations, speciation of actinide elements, ion-imprinted sol-gels for actinide separations, ligand design, stability of macromolecules and ion fragmentation, imaging of organic and biological materials with secondary ion mass spectrometry, and the physics of highly charged species.

The Engineering and Geosciences subprogram investigates experimental and analytical geochemistry with innovative technical approaches for low-temperature geochemical processes in reservoirs and crustal rocks. Engineering research supports the Center for Engineering Systems Advanced Research at ORNL with emphasis in computational nonlinear sciences such as advanced use of neural nets and sensor fusion, stochastic approximations, and global optimization of cooperating autonomous systems such as cooperating, autolearning robots.

The High Flux Isotope Reactor is a light-water cooled and moderated reactor with a design power level of 100 megawatts currently operating at 85 megawatts. HFIR provides state-of-the-art facilities for neutron scattering and materials irradiation and is the world's leading source of elements heavier than plutonium for research, medicine, and industrial applications. HFIR has four horizontal beam tubes, which terminate in the neutron scattering beam room. There are a total of 11 instruments in the beam room and one additional instrument on the upper level. The installation of the new liquid hydrogen cold source will provide beams of cold neutrons for scattering research that are as bright as any in the world.

The Radiochemical Engineering Development Center, located adjacent to HFIR, provides unique capabilities for the processing, separation, and purification of transplutonium elements.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is a Multiprogram Laboratory located on 640 acres at the Department's Hanford site in Richland, Washington. The BES Chemical Sciences subprogram supports research in theory and experiment related to the significant environmental clean-up concerns of the Department. Experimental research includes interfacial chemistry of water-oxide systems, near-field optical microscopy of single molecules on surfaces, inorganic molecular clusters, and direct photon and/or electron excitation of surfaces and surface species. Programs in analytical chemistry and in applications of theoretical chemistry to understanding surface catalysis are also supported by the Chemical Sciences subprogram; included are high-resolution laser spectroscopy for analysis of trace metals on ultra small samples, understanding the fundamental inter- and intra-molecular effects unique to solvation in supercritical fluids, and interfacing theoretical chemistry with experimental methods to address complex questions in catalysis. Theoretical, ab-initio quantum molecular calculations are integrated with modeling and experiment. The Materials Sciences subprogram supports research on stress-corrosion cracking of metals and alloys, high-temperature corrosion fatigue of ceramic materials, and irradiation effects in ceramic materials relevant to radioactive waste containment. The Engineering and Geosciences program supports research on basic theoretical and experimental geochemical research that underpins technologies important for the Department's environmental missions and research to improve our understanding of the phase change phenomena in microchannels.

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) is a program-dedicated laboratory (Fusion Energy Sciences) located on 72 acres in Princeton, New Jersey. The Basic Energy Sciences (BES) program funds a research program that is part of the Department's participation in the AMTEX Partnership™ to enhance the competitiveness of the U.S. Textile Industry. The program, entitled On-Line Process Control (OPCon), seeks to identify and develop technologies to provide faster transition between products, efficient production of small lots, and improved economics via elimination of off-quality production and off-line testing. The BES supported work is focussed on development of instrumentation to measure fiber morphology in real time during synthetic fiber production by analysis of passive and active light scattering to measure birefringence of fibers.

Sandia National Laboratories

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is a Multiprogram Laboratory located on 3,700 acres in Albuquerque, New Mexico (SNL/A), with sites in Livermore, California (SNL/L), and Tonapah, Nevada. SNL is home to significant research efforts in materials and chemical sciences with additional programs in engineering and geosciences. SNL is also the site of the Combustion Research Facility (CRF).

SNL has a historic emphasis on electronic components needed for Defense Programs. The laboratory has very modern facilities in which unusual microcircuits and structures can be fabricated out of various semiconductors. Many of the research projects supported by the Materials Sciences subprogram at SNL/A are relevant to the overall mission of the laboratory. Included among these are projects on the processing and properties sol-gel chemistry of ceramic coatings; the development of nanocrystalline materials through the use of inverse micelles; adhesion and wetting of surfaces of metals, glass, and ceramic materials; theoretical and experimental research of defects; and interfaces in metals and alloys. The leading program on the theory, structure, and dynamics of two-dimensional surface alloys is at SNL/L.

The BES geophysics research effort at SNL/A supports fundamental laboratory and imaging studies on rock mechanics, seismologic, and electromagnetic inversion studies, and experimental and theoretical studies on fluid and particulate flow in porous and fractured rock. Geosciences research focuses on theoretical and experimental geochemical investigations of stability and transport within minerals stable in the Earth's crust. Engineering research addresses the viscosity of mixtures of particles in liquids.

The Combustion Research Facility at SNL/L is an internationally recognized facility for the study of combustion science and technology. In-house efforts combine theory, modeling, and experiment including diagnostic development, kinetics, and dynamics. Basic research supported by the Chemical Sciences subprogram is often done in close collaboration with applied problems. Several innovative non-intrusive optical diagnostics such as degenerate four-wave mixing, cavity ring-down spectroscopies, high resolution optical spectroscopy, and ion-imaging techniques have been developed to characterize combustion intermediates. A principal effort in turbulent combustion is coordinated among the BES chemical physics program, the office of Fossil Energy, and the office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) is a program-dedicated laboratory (High Energy Physics) located on 14 acres in Menlo Park, California. It is the home of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL) and peer-reviewed research projects associated with SSRL. The Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory was built in 1974 to take the intense x-ray beams from the SPEAR storage ring that was built for particle physics by the SLAC laboratory. Over the years, the SSRL grew to be one of the main innovators in the production and use of synchrotron radiation with the development of wigglers and undulators that form the basis of all third generation synchrotron sources. The facility is now comprised of 25 experimental stations and is used each year by over 700 researchers from industry, government laboratories and universities. These include astronomers, biologists, chemical engineers, chemists, electrical engineers, environmental scientists, geologists, materials scientists, and physicists. The Materials Sciences subprogram supports a research program at SSRL with emphasis in both the x-ray and ultraviolet regions of the spectrum. SSRL scientists are among the leading experts in photoemission studies of high-temperature superconductors and in x-ray scattering.

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