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Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Freight Professional Development Program Logo

Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance


Listing of Technical Assistance and Training Opportunities

Freight Planning and Operations Peer Exchange

Please visit:

The Freight Planning and Operations Peer Exchange LISTSERV is a great tool to seek and/or share information in a quick and efficient manner. We have over 400 subscribers to the LISTSERV comprised of transportation professionals from State DOT's, MPOs, professional associations, consultants, private sector, academic community - to name a few. Please join us!

Coming Soon: Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Program. Putting transportation professionals in-touch with experts in the field is an invaluable service to enhancing one's freight skills and knowledge. Therefore, the FHWA Office of Freight Management and Operations will be developing and executing a P2P program in FY04. The Freight P2P program will develop a database of freight professionals and experts in specific functional areas to be tapped by transportation professionals and organizations across the country. A second component of the program will provide public transportation professionals with financial support for travel, accommodations, meals, incidental expenses, and similar costs associated with on-site and off-site assistance.

"Talking Freight" Seminar Series

Please visit the Talking Freight web site.

The seminar series is a great way to exchange information, on many different, targeted freight topics, with experts in the field in an efficient and cost effective manner. For more information about seminar topics, descriptions, speakers, and dates read the flyer entitled "Talking Freight" Seminar Series.

Data and Analytical Tools

Please visit the Office of Freight Management and Operations - Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) web site.

Our customers have consistently voiced the need to better comprehend the underlying assumptions of the FAF and other freight data sources and how they apply to freight planning in their region/state. In response to this need, we are including the uses and benefits of the FAF and other freight data sources in the Freight Forecasting course (see Training). In addition, in early 2004, a web-based FAF Toolkit will be launched including but not limited to:

  • Detailed explanation regarding the methodology for generating the data and information highlighted in the State profiles
  • Customized powerpoint presentation with speaker notes on FAF applications by State
  • Expanded FAF Capabilities, i.e., identification of tonnage and value of freight by highway segment, for each State and MPO region, identify the number of trucks moving through a State, originating in the state, serving as a destination point and moving within State lines

Intermodal Freight Technology

Please visit the Office of Freight Management and Operations - Intermodal Freight Technology web site.

The uses of ITS technology have, and continue to, enhance freight efficiencies, safety, air quality and security at major freight getaways and within / on physical conveyances, e.g., tractor, container. Further, to help facilitate the seamless flow of freight from origin to destination both domestically and globally, it is necessary to have a set of technology standards that multiple public and private organizations can use to generate and distribute valuable freight data and information.

Vehicle Size and Weight Program

Please visit the Office of Freight Management and Operations - Vehicle Size and Weight web site.

  • New Vehicle Size and Weight web site
  • State Enforcement Plan Forms
  • Chat Room
  • Peer Exchange LISTSERV
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Calendar of Events and Surveys