USDA Forest Service

Salmon-Challis National Forest

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Public Lands Info (For information on camping in National Forests)
National Fire Center
Evaluate Our Service
We welcome your comments on our service and your suggestions for improvement.

Salmon-Challis National Forest
50 Hwy 93 South
Salmon, ID 83467

(208) 756-5100

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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Projects & Plans

(projects are listed from most current to oldest -- just click on the name to go to more information regarding the project)

Sage Creek Materials Pit Project

The North Fork Ranger District of the Salmon-Challis National Forest is proposing the expansion of a
small existing rock pit located in the Sage Creek drainage, southeast of the Sage Creek Road.

Send electronic comments to: ( specify "Sage Creek Material Pit" on the subject line).

The opportunity to comment ends 30 days following the date of publication of this legal notice in the Recorder Herald newspaper.

Terry Hershey, Acting District Ranger
North Fork Ranger District
11 Casey Road
P O Box 180
North Fork, ID 83466
Telephone: (208) 865-2700

Salmon River Bridges

Terry Hershey, Acting District Ranger
North Fork Ranger District
11 Casey Road
P O Box 180
North Fork, ID 83466
Telephone: (208) 865-2700
Facsimile: (208) 865-2739

Salmon Interface / Moose Creek Fuels Reduction Project

  • Invitation to Comment letter - Comments due March 15, 2004
  • Road Treatment spreadsheet
  • Vegetation Treatment spreadsheet
  • Proposed Road Status Map
  • Proposed Vegetation Treatment Map

    Your comments will continue to help refine the proposed action, any alternatives, as well as the environmental analysis. Pursuant to 36 CFR 215.3(a), this proposal is subject to legal notice and opportunity to comment. Comments on the proposed action will be accepted for 30-days following publication of a legal notice (36 CFR 215.5(b)(1)(iv)). You may submit comments by letter, telephone, facsimile, electronically (in Word or .rtf format) or office visit (during the hours of 8 AM to 4:30 PM). In order to be eligible for appeal, comments must be substantive and timely. Pursuant to 36 CFR 215.2, substantive comments are within the scope of the proposed action and would include supporting reasons for the Responsible Official to consider.

Colson Creek Materials Pit Project

Please send comments to:

    Please specify "Colson Creek Materials Pit" on the subject line.

    Terry Hershey, Acting District Ranger
    North Fork Ranger District
    11 Casey Road
    P O Box 180
    North Fork, ID 83466
    Telephone: (208) 865-2700
    Facsimile: (208) 865-2739

Indian Creek Fisheries Stream Restoration Partnership Project

  • Scoping letter, January 23, 2004
  • Scoping Document
  • Map 1, Vicinity Map
  • Map 2, Vicinity Map w/ownership
  • Map 3 - unavailable as of January 30, 2004

    Please direct comments to:

    Terry Hershey, Acting District Ranger
    c/o IDT Leader Dan Garcia
    North Fork Ranger District
    11 Casey Road
    P O Box 180
    North Fork, ID 83466
    Telephone: (208) 865-2700
    Facsimile: (208) 865-2739
    Please specify "Stream Restoration Project" on the subject line.

Indian Creek Road Reconstruction Project

Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Plan

Record of Decision Documents:

Management Plan Documents:

FEIS Documents:

Ken Wotring
FC–RONR Wilderness Coordinator
Salmon-Challis National Forest
50 Highway 93 South
Salmon, Idaho 83467
(208) 756-5131
specify "FCRONR Wilderness Plan" on the subject line of your email
Middle Fork River -- FCRoNR

Management Indicator Species List

Decision Notice and FONSI for the Proposed Amendments to the Salmon and Challis Land and Resource Management Plans
(February 2004)

pilieated woodpecker sage grouse

spotted frog

bull trout


Gibbonsville Urban/Wildland Interface Fuels Reduction

-- July 2004 -- Public Comment Period

The North Fork District Ranger is proposing to cut by hand, and by tractor and skyline mechanized equipment approximately 5,000 acres of hazardous fuels within the North Fork Salmon River drainage in the vicinity of Gibbonsville, Idaho. The District is also proposing to close approximately 14 miles of unclassified road, and reopen the Hammerean Creek Road (#60449) by removing a slide to allow seasonal access. Lodgepole pine, ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir stands would be treated in 117 units, ranging from approximately 2 to 344 acres in size. Treatments would begin in 2005 and are anticipated to be complete by 2012.

Please send written comments to:

Terry Hershey, Acting District Ranger
North Fork Ranger District
P.O. Box 1805
North Fork, ID 83466
phone: (208) 865-2700
fax: (208) 865-2739
electronic comments: (E-mailed comments must be submitted in MS Word (*.doc) or rich text format (*.rtf)

Comments may be delivered to the North Fork Ranger District office during regular business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m, Monday-Friday, excluding federal holidays. The opportunity to comment ends 30 days following the date of publication (July 22, 2004) of the legal notice in the Recorder Herald.


Salmon Wild and Scenic River Management Plan, January 13, 2003

Mardi Gooby
50 Highway 93 South
Salmon, ID 83467

Forest Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Report for 2000 and 2001 (August 2002)

Mardi Gooby
50 Highway 93
South Salmon, ID 83467
(208) 756-5148

Schedule of Proposed Actions(SOPA)

Salmon Interface Watershed Assessment (SIWA)
(June 2002)

Karryl Krieger
50 Highway 93 South
Salmon, ID 83467
(208) 756-5102

Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Noxious Weed Treatments

Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement - April 2004

Abstract: This supplement to the 1999 Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness
Noxious Weed Treatments Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) summarizes recent
noxious and invasive weed inventories for the Frank Church-River of No Return
Wilderness, and analyzes the effects of making minor modifications to the existing noxious
and invasive weed management strategy.



  • Appendix I - Summarized Monitoring Results
  • Appendix J - Noxious/Invasive Weed Prevention Plan
  • Appendix K - Regional Prevention and Control Measures, (R1 and R4)
  • Appendix L - 303(d) listed water bodies
  • Appendix M - Record of Decision; FC-RONRW Noxious Weed Treatment FEIS
  • Appendix N - Glossary of Terms
  • Appendix O - Herbicide Labels and Herbicide Risk Assessments

The opportunity to comment ends 45 days following the date of publication of the Notice of Availability (NOA) in the Federal Register. The NOA was published on May 7, 2004. Comments can be sent via email to, please indicate "Wilderness Weeds DSEIS" on the subject line.

USDA Forest Service
William Wood
Forest Supervisor
Salmon-Challis National Forest
Salmon, Idaho

For Further Information Contact:
Howard Lyman, email:
Noxious Weed Program Coordinator
Frank Church-River Of No Return Wilderness
Salmon River Ranger District
HC 01 Box 70
White Bird, ID 83554
Phone: (208) 839-2211

Salmon-Challis National Forest Noxious Weed Management Program

Final Environmental Impact Statement - September 2003

Bill Diage
50 Highway 93 South
Salmon, ID 83467
(208) 756-5562
leafy spurge

Morgan Creek and Eddy Creek Grazing Allotment Management Plans

comments due October 27, 2003 -- email to:, specify Morgan-Eddy scoping on the subject line.

USDA Forest Service - Salmon-Challis National Forest
Last Modified: Friday, 15 October 2004 at 15:39:28 EDT

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