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BESAC Charges, Letter Responses, and Reports




Activity Dates

Agenda Reports
These items are arranged in chronological order by activity, not date of charge.

Committee of Visitors Review #4 --
Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division   

April 2005    

Committee of Visitors Review #3 --
Scientific User Facilities Division 

Spring 2004    
pdf Subcommittee on Theory and Computation 
 - Letter Report from Subcommittee to BESAC Chair     pdf
Winter 2003    
pdf Committee of Visitors Review #2 --
Materials Sciences and Engineering Division 
Mar. 17-19, 2003 pdf pdf
pdf 20-Year BES Facilities Roadmap
 - Letter Report from Chair to Orbach
Feb. 22-24, 2003 pdf pdf
pdf Assessment of short-pulse, short-wavelength, high-intensity light sources.  This  was covered in the Feb 22-24 20-Year BES Facilities Roadmap Exercise. Feb. 22-24, 2003 pdf pdf
pdf Basic Research Needs to Assure a Secure Energy Future 

**Full Report w/ Bookmarks

**Executive Summary and Introduction (24 pgs)

**Report Details and Background
    Appendix A - Proposed Research Directions
    Appendix B - Factual Document
    Appendix C - Organizational Details
    Appendix D - Introduction Presentations
    Appendix E - Summary Presentations
    Appendix F - List of Abbreviations

Oct. 21-24, 2002 pdf



pdf Workshop on Catalysis Presentations May 14-16, 2002 pdf pdf
pdf Theory and Modeling in Nanoscience --
This workshop was a joint effort by the Offices of Basic Energy Sciences and Advanced Scientific Computing Research.     Presentations
May 10-11, 2002 pdf pdf
pdf Committee of Visitors Review #1 --
Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division
Jan. 30 - Feb. 01, 2002 pdf pdf

SC Performance Measurement

Jan. 24-25, 2002 pdf pdf

Biomolecular Materials

Jan. 14-16, 2002   pdf
pdf BESAC Review of the BES-Operated Spallation Neutron Sources - IPNS at ANL and the Lujan Center at LANL Nov. 14-17, 2000   pdf
pdf BESAC Review of the Advanced Light Source Feb. 3-4, 2000   pdf
pdf Neutron Scattering-considering the
HFBR Shutdown
Jan. 5-6, 2000
Feb. 14-15, 2000
pdf pdf
pdf BESAC Review of the Electron Beam Characterization Centers 
Dec. 6-10, 1999 pdf pdf
pdf BESAC Review of the Novel, Coherent Light Sources Jan. 18-22, 1999   pdf
pdf BESAC Review of the High Flux Isotope Reactor Aug. 31 - Sept. 1, 1998   pdf
    Synchrotron Radiation Sources and Science        pdf



There were no formal charges to BESAC in 2000.  Final reports in 2000 include: 
(Neutron Scattering -- considering the HFBR Shutdown)
        (Review of the Advanced Light Source)
        (Review of the Electron Beam Microcharacterization Centers)   

  1999 Charges

Neutron Scattering - considering the HFBR Shutdown (11/17/99)  
        (DOE/SC Charge to BESAC -- Martha Krebs to Geraldine Richmond)
        (BESAC Charge to Subpanel Chair  -- Geraldine Richmond to Martin Blume)
        (BESAC Response to DOE/SC Charge  -- Geraldine Richmond to James Decker) 
        (Subpanel Report to BESAC -- February 2000)

Review of BES-Operated Spallation Sources (IPNS & MLNSC) (9/7/99)
        (DOE/SC Charge to BESAC -- Martha Krebs to Geraldine Richmond)
        (BESAC Response to DOE/SC Charge  -- Geraldine Richmond to James Decker) 
        (Subpanel Report to BESAC -- February 2001)

Program of Study for Complex Systems (9/7/99)
        (DOE/SC Charge to BESAC -- Martha Krebs to Geraldine Richmond)
        (DOE/SC Charge to BESAC -- Martha Krebs to John Stringer)
        (BESAC Response to SC Charge  -- Geraldine Richmond to Martha Krebs) 
        (Related Reports)

Advanced Light Source (8/10/99)  
        (DOE/SC Charge to BESAC -- Martha Krebs to Geraldine Richmond)
        (BESAC Charge to Subpanel Chair  -- Geraldine Richmond to Yves Petroff)
        (BESAC Response to SC Charge  -- Geraldine Richmond to James Decker)
        (Subpanel Report to BESAC -- February 2000)

Committee of Visitors (8/10/99)
        (DOE/SC Charge to BESAC -- Martha Krebs to Geraldine Richmond)
        (Subpanel Report  -- March 2002)

   1998 Charges

Review of Electron Beam Microcharacterization Centers (10/22/98) 
        (DOE/SC Charge to BESAC -- Martha Krebs to Geraldine Richmond)
        (BESAC Charge to Subpanel Chair  -- Geraldine Richmond to John Stringer)
        (BESAC Response to SC Charge  -- Geraldine Richmond to James Decker)
        (Subpanel Report to BESAC -- February 2000)   
Review of Novel, Coherent Light Sources (2/24/98)   
        (DOE/SC Charge to BESAC -- Martha Krebs to John Stringer)
        (BESAC Charge to Subpanel Chair  -- Geraldine Richmond to Stephen Leone)
        (BESAC Response to SC Charge  -- Geraldine Richmond to Martha Krebs)
        (Subpanel Report to BESAC -- February 1999) 

Review of High Flux Isotope Reactor (2/24/98)
        (DOE/SC Charge to BESAC -- Martha Krebs to John Stringer)
        (Subpanel Report to BESAC -- October 1998) 

   1997 Charges

High Flux Beam Reactor (11/97) 
        (BESAC Response to SC Charge  -- John Stringer to Martha Krebs)   

Synchrotron Radiation Sources and Science (Spring 97) 
        (BESAC Report of the BESAC Panel on DOE Synchrotron Radiation Sources and Science) 


   For Activities Prior to 1997 -- Click Here

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