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BESAC Full Committee Meeting Information


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Marriott Washingtonian Center
9751 Washingtonian Boulevard 
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878 USA 
Phone: 1-301-590-0044 
Fax: 1-301-212-6155 

 December 6-7, 2004



Agenda Minutes

Full Committee Meeting Dates

Hyperlinks to Presentations

pdf Not Yet August 5-6, 2004 Presentations
pdf Not Yet February 23-24, 2004 Presentations
pdf pdf October 20-21, 2003 Presentations
pdf pdf May 28, 2003 Presentations
pdf N/A May 29, 2003 BES Symposium Presentations
pdf pdf Feb. 25-26, 2003 Presentations
pdf pdf Nov. 05-06, 2002 Presentations
pdf pdf Jul. 22-23, 2002 Presentations
pdf pdf Feb. 25-26, 2002 Presentations
pdf pdf Nov. 14-15, 2001 Presentations
pdf pdf Aug. 02-03, 2001 Presentations
pdf pdf Feb. 26-27, 2001 Presentations
pdf pdf Dec. 11, 2000 Presentations
pdf pdf Oct. 10-11, 2000 Presentations
pdf pdf Feb. 28 - Mar. 01, 2000

Unavailable Electronically

pdf pdf Nov. 03-04, 1999

Unavailable Electronically

pdf pdf Aug. 10-11, 1999

Unavailable Electronically

pdf pdf Feb. 24-25, 1999

Unavailable Electronically

pdf pdf Oct. 26-27, 1998

Unavailable Electronically

pdf pdf Jul. 29-30, 1998

Unavailable Electronically

See Charges and Reports for Information from Subpanel Activities 



August 5-6, 2004 Topics: News from BES and Report on NanoSummit; Discussion of Follow-on Actions to BESAC Workshop on Basic Research Needs to Assure a Secure Energy Future; Report of BESAC Committee of Visitors for the Scientific User Facilities Division; Report of BESAC Subcommittee on Theory and Computation in Basic Energy Sciences; Presentation on ESnet; Presentation of NSRC Directors’ Meeting – August 2-4, 2004; News from the Office of Science.
1)  News from the Office of Basic Energy Sciences and Report on NanoSummit Patricia Dehmer, BES
2)  Report of BESAC Committee of Visitors for the Scientific User Facilities Division J. Michael Rowe, NIST (Retired)
3)  Report of BESAC Subcommittee on Theory and Computation in Basic Energy Sciences  Bill McCurdy,
Kate Kirby,
Bruce Harmon

4)  Presentation on ESnet William E. Johnston, LBNL 
5)  Presentation of NSRC Directors’ Meeting – August 2-4, 2004 Altaf Carim, BES
6)  News from the Office of Science  James Decker,


February 23-24, 2004 Topics: News from BES;  News from the Office of Science;  Updates from the Directors of the five BES Nanoscale Science Research Centers; Overviews of Theory and Simulation in the Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division and the Materials Sciences and Engineering Division; Discussion of the activities of the BESAC Subcommittee on Theory and Computation in Basic Energy Sciences.
1)  News from the Office of Basic Energy Sciences Patricia Dehmer, BES  
2)  News from the Office of Science Ray Orbach, SC  
3)  Update from the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS) Doug Lowndes, ORNL pdf
4)  Update from The Molecular Foundry Paul Alivisatos, SLAC  
5)  Update from the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) Terry Michalske, SNL  
6)  Update from the Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) Eric Isaacs, ANL  
7)  Update from the Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) Robert Hwang, BNL  
8)  Overview of Theory and Simulation in Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences Division Richard Hilderbrandt, BES  
9) Overview of Theory and Simulation in Materials Sciences and Engineering Division  Dale Koelling, BES  
10) Discussion of BESAC Subcommittee on Theory and Computation in Basic Energy Sciences  William McCurdy, LBNL  



October 20-21, 2003 Topics: News from the Office of Science; News from BES;  BES and DOE Hydrogen Activities; Introduction and Discussion of October 2003 BESAC Charge on 1) COV of Scientific User Facilities Division in Spring 2004 and 2) Empanel a Subcommittee on High-End Computing; Update of the Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division; Update of the Linac Coherent Light Source; Update of the Spallation Neutron Source; SCaLES Report; SciDAC; Advanced Scientific Computing Research
1)  News from the Office of Basic Energy Sciences Patricia Dehmer, BES  
2)  BES and DOE Hydrogen Activities Harriet Kung, BES  
3)  Update of the Chemical Sciences, Biosciences, and Geosciences Division Walter Stevens, BES  
4)  Update of the Linac Coherent Light Source John Galayda, SLAC  
5)  News from the Office of Science Ray Orbach, SC  N/A
6)  Update and Status of the Spallation Neutron Source Ian Anderson, SNS  
7)  The SCaLeS Report:  Opportunities and Needs in BES Thom Dunning  
8)  Overview of SciDAC Alan Laub, UC  
9) Advanced Scientific Computing Research Dan Hitchcock, ASCR  



May 28, 2003 Topics: News from the Office of Science, News from BES, Report of the Committee of Visitors Review for Materials Sciences and Engineering, Preliminary Report of the BES Hydrogen Workshop, Update of the Status of the Spallation Neutron Source
1)  News from the Office of Science Ray Orbach, SC


2)  News from the Office of Basic Energy Sciences Patricia Dehmer, BES  
3)  Preliminary Report of the BES Hydrogen Workshop Millie Dresselhaus, MIT  
4)  Report of the BESAC Committee of Visitors Review of the Materials Sciences
     and Engineering Division
John Hemminger, UC at Irvine  
5)  Update on the Status of the Spallation Neutron Source Thom Mason, SNS  



Feb. 25-26, 2003 Topics: News from the Office of Science, News from BES, Summary Report of the 20-Year BES Facilities Subcommittee, Workshop Report on the Basic Research Needs to Assure a Secure Energy Future, Update on the Biomolecular Materials Workshop, Update on the Catalysis Workshop Report
1)  News from the Office of Science Ray Orbach, SC  
2)  News from the Office of Basic Energy Sciences Patricia Dehmer, BES  
3)  Summary Report of the 20-Year BES Facilities Subcommittee Sunil Sinha, UCSD  
4)  Basic Research Needs to Assure a Secure Energy Future John Stringer, EPRI  



Nov. 5-6, 2002 Topics: Dr. Raymond Orbach, Director of Science Meets the Committee, News from BES, Preliminary Workshop Update on the Basic Research Needs to Assure a Secure Energy Future, Update of the Nanoscale Science Research Centers, Introduction of the New Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division Direct or and Division Overview, Update of the LCLS, Discussion of the Catalysis Report, BES Strategic Planning Themes 
1)  News from the Office of Science Ray Orbach, SC
2)  News from the Office of Basic Energy Sciences Patricia Dehmer, BES
3)  Basic Research Needs to Assure a Secure Energy Future Linda Horton, ORNL
4)  Nanoscale Science Research Centers Terry Michalske, SNL/ Jim Roberto, ORNL
5)  Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division Walter Stevens, BES
6)  Linac Coherent Light Source Update John Galayda, SLAC
7)  Direction for Catalysis Report Walter Stevens, BES



July 22-23, 2002 Topics:  Theory and Modeling in Nanoscience, Catalysis, Countering Terrorism, Energy Security, Spallation Neutron Source, Linac Coherent Light Source, High Flux Isotope Reactor, Nanoscale Science Research Centers, Transmission Electron Achromatic Microscope Project, LANSCE, Light Source Reviews
1)  News from the Office of Science Jim Decker, SC
2)  News from Basic Energy Sciences Patricia Dehmer, BES
3)  BESAC/ASCAC Workshop on Theory and Modeling in Nanoscience Bill McCurdy, LBNL
4)  BESAC Workshop on Catalysis Planning Workshop Mike White, Texas
5)  BES Workshop on Basic Research Needs for Countering Terrorism Walter Stevens, BES
6)  BESAC Workshop on Basic Res. Needs for a Secure Energy Future Iran Thomas, BES
7)  Spallation Neutron Source Thom Mason, SNS
8)  Linac Coherent Light Source John Galayda, SLAC
9)  High Flux Isotope Reactor Jim Roberto, ORNL
10) Transmission Electron Achromatic Microscope Project Tof Carim, BES
11)  BESAC-Accepted Catalysis Recommendations pdf John Hemminger, UC, Irvine 
12)  Nanoscale Science Research Center Update Jim Roberto, ORNL
Terry Michalske, SNL

13)  Update on LANSCE at LANL Paul Lisowski, LANL
14)  Light Source Reviews - BES Steve Dierker, BNL 
Pedro Montano, BES 



Feb. 25-26, 2002 Topics:  Subpanel Report on the Committee of Visitors and SC Performance Measurements, Report from the Biomolecular Materials Workshop, Upcoming BESAC-Sponsored Activities, Basic Research Need to CT, Basic Science Needed for Energy Security, Updates on LCLS and LANSCE.
1)   News from the Office of Science James Decker, SC
2)   News from Basic Energy Sciences Patricia Dehmer, BES
3)   Report of the Committee of Visitors Subpanel  Carl Lineberger, JILA
4)   Report of the SC Performance Measurement Subpanel John Stringer, EPRI
5)   Report of the Biomolecular Materials Workshop Mark Alper, LBNL 
6)   Catalysis Planning Bill Kirchhoff, BES
7)   Theory and Modeling in Nanoscience Bill McCurdy, LBNL
8)   Status of the Spallation Neutron Source Thom Mason, SNS
9)   BES-Sponsored Workshop on Basic Research Needs to CT Walter Stevens, BES
10)  BESAC-Sponsored Workshop on Basic Science Needs for Energy Security Iran Thomas, BES
11)   Linac Coherent Light Source Update Keith Hodgson, SSRL
12)   Update on LANSCE at LANL Paul Lisowski, LANL 



Nov. 14-15, 2001 Topics:  This meeting was devoted to presentations and discussions concerning three Nanoscale Science Research Centers:  The Molecular Foundry (LBNL); The Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (ORNL); and The Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (SNL/ LANL).
1)   News from the Office of Basic Energy Sciences Patricia Dehmer, BES
2)   The Molecular Foundry (LBNL) Paul Alivisatos, LBNL
3)   Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (ORNL) Doug Lowndes
Ward Plummer
Peter Cummings

4)   Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (LANL/SNL) Terry Michalske, Andy Shreve, and Jerry Simmons
At the conclusion of Day 1, the Centers were asked to respond to direct questions presented to them by the Committee.  The following three presentations were prepared to address the Committee's questions. 
1)   The Molecular Foundry Daniel Chemla, LBNL
2)   Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences Doug Lowndes, ORNL
3)   Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies Andy Shreve, LANL NA



Aug. 2-3, 2001 Topics:  BES Update; SNS Technical Progress and Status of Instrumentation; Activities of the Interagency Working Group on Neutron Science; NSRC Updates; NSF NSET Activities; LCLS Update; Beyond Nano; and more.
1)   News from the Office of Science James Decker, SC
Org. Chart

2)   News from the Office of Basic Energy Sciences Patricia Dehmer, BES
3)   Spallation Neutron Source Update Thom Mason, SNS  
4)   LANSCE Update Paul Lisowski, LANL
5)   Activities of the IWG on Neutron Science Pat Gallagher, NIST
6)   LBNL NSRC Update Mark Alper, LBNL  
7)   ORNL NSRC Update Doug Lowndes, ORNL 
8)   SNL/LANL NSRC Update  Don Parkin, LANL
9)   NSF NSET Activities Mihail Roco, NSF
10)  BES Update on Linac Coherent Light Source Eric Rohlfing, BES
11)  Linac Coherent Light Source Update John Galayda, SLAC
12)  Committee of Visitors Update William Millman , BES
13)   DOE's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program David Garman, EE/RE
14)   DOE's Fossil Energy Program Marvin Singer, FE
15)   DOE's Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology Program Gail Marcus, NE  



Feb. 26-27, 2001 Topics: BES Update; IPNS/Lujan Center Status, LCLS Update, BES NSET Overview, NSRCs Presentations from Labs
1)  Introduction from BES Patricia Dehmer, BES  
2)  Recap of BESAC Subpanel Review of the IPNS/Lujan Center Jack Crow, Florida State University
3)  BES Activities Following Subpanel Review of the IPNS/Lujan Center Iran Thomas, BES
4)  Subpanel Review Responses  LANL

5)  Linac Coherent Light Source Project (LCLS) Update Eric Rohlfing, BES
6)  X-Ray Laser Physics at the LCLS Max Cornacchia, SLAC
Jerry Hastings, BNL
7)  News from Materials Sciences and Engineering Division Iran Thomas, BES  
8)  News from Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division William Millman, BES  
1)  BES Overview of Nanoscale Science,  Engineering , and Technology Patricia Dehmer, BES  
Proposed Laboratory Nanoscale Centers Presentations Follow:
a)   Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Daniel Chemla, LBNL   
b)  Argonne National Laboratory Murray Gibson, ANL  
c)   Sandia National Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory Terry Michalske, SNL  &  LANL - Don Parkin
d)   Brookhaven National Laboratory Richard Osgood, BNL 
e)   Oak Ridge National Laboratory James Roberto, ORNL  



Dec. 11, 2000 Topics: BES Update; Subpanel Report on the Review of the IPNS and Lujan Center; Future Activities
1) Introduction from BES    NSET Federal Register Notice  pdf Patricia Dehmer, BES  
2) BESAC Subpanel Presentations on the Nov. 2000 Review of the IPNS (ANL) and  the Lujan  Center  (LANL) 
   A.  Introduction Ward Plummer, Chair
   B.  Evaluation Procedure and User Community Jack Crow, Florida State University  

   C.  Facility Evaluation Andrew Taylor, ISIS  
   D.  Recommendations Ward Plummer, Chair  



Oct. 10-11, 2000 Topics:  Introduction of and Presentation by Mildred Dresselhaus, Director, Office of Science; Introduction and Welcome to 2000-2001 Members; News from BES; Linac Coherent Light Source Scientific Case, and updates from the Materials Sciences and Engineering Division and Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences Division.
1)  Overview from BES Patricia Dehmer, BES
2)  Remarks from the Office of Science  Millie Dresselhaus, SC-1 NA
3)  Research in Novel Coherent Light Sources Eric Rohlfling, BES  
4)  LCLS Scientific Case Overview Keith Hodgson, SLAC  
5)  Femtochemistry Dan Imre, BNL
6)  Studies of Nanoscale Dynamics in Condensed Matter Brian Stephenson, ANL
7)  Atomic Physics Experiments Phil Bucksbaum, U. Michigan  
8)  Plasma and Warm Dense Matter Studies Richard Lee, LLNL  
9)  Structural Studies on Single Particles and Biomolecules Janos Hajdu, Uppsala U.   
10)  News from Materials Sciences and Engineering Division Iran Thomas, BES   
11)  News from Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division William Millman, BES  



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