Choose a topic:

- Contact Congressman Latham
- Meetings in Your Area
- Solving Government-Related Problems
- Help with Federal Grants
- Tours in Washington, D.C.
- Purchase a U.S. Flag
- Presidential Greeting Cards
- Military Academy Nominations
- Congressional Internships/Pages
- Congressional Calendars





Share a Concern or Opinion With Congressman Latham

You can call, write, or e-mail any of the Congressman's four offices to share your concerns about an issue or specific legislation.

Listening to You - Meetings in Your Area

Congressman Latham conducts two types of regular meetings for constituents of Iowa's 4th Congressional District.

Congressman Latham's Action For Iowa town meetings serve as a forum for Iowans to express their questions and concerns directly to Congressman Latham in a location close to home.

Congressman Latham’s Traveling Help Desk provides an opportunity for any constituent to meet in, or near, their hometown one-on-one with a member of his Congressional staff to help cut government red tape or to voice questions, comments, and concerns.  No appointment is necessary for the outreach that travels each month to every county of the Fourth Congressional District.

The complete schedule of upcoming Action For Iowa Town Meetings and Traveling Help Desks are available here or by calling Congressman Latham’s Ames District Office at 515-232-2885.

Government-Related Problems

If you have a problem with Social Security, Medicare, IRS, Passports, INS,
Veterans’ Issues, Military Cases, USDA, HUD, or any federal agency, Congressman Latham's office is ready to help.  Simply contact a professional caseworker in the office closest to you.

For additional online information regarding government agencies and usual online information for government related problems consult: - Whatever you want or need from the U.S. government, it's on Firstgov.  You'll find a rich treasure of online information, services and resources.

Federal Grant Programs

Congressman Latham is happy to be able to assist individuals, organizations, and local governments with requests for federal assistance in the form of grants.  Please contact the office in the area closest to you for further assistance.

For additional online information regarding federal grants please consult:

The Catalog of Domestic Assistance - the definitive resource for information on federal funding. - One source to assist you in finding and applying for federal grants.

Tours of Historic Sites in Washington D.C.

If you are going to be in the Washington, D.C. area, Congressman Latham's office can help schedule tours of many historic sites including the Supreme Court, Kennedy Center, Library of Congress and the Capitol Building. (NOTE – April through September and the month of December are peak tourist months.)  Contact Elizabeth Gordan in Congressman Latham's Washington, D.C. office for further assistance.

For additional online information regarding Washington, D.C. tour sites please consult:

Visiting the U.S. Capitol - Official site for the U.S. Congress and Capitol Buildings.

Washington, DC Tourism - Site for the Convention and Tourism Bureau.

Flag Requests (flown over U.S. Capitol)

You may purchase a flag which has been flown over the United States Capitol, or you may have the flag flown on a specific date recognizing an individual or event. The American flag is a proud symbol of our nation’s heritage, and is it an honor to be able to offer this service to constituents of the 4th District.  Please contact my Washington, D.C. office
(202-225-5476) no later than four weeks prior to the event.

The State of Iowa Historical Society also offers Iowa flags flown over the State of Iowa Capitol Building in Des Moines.  For additional information on this service please contact the Historical Society at: 515-283-1757 or visit them online.

Presidential Greeting Cards

Presidential Greetings can be requested for important events, such as a wedding, 50th anniversary, 80th birthday, or the birth of a baby. Contact any of Congressman Latham's offices for more information.

Military Academy Nominations

Members of Congress are asked each year to make military academy
nominations to ensure a wide range of students from across the nation attend the academies. Please consult this Academy information page for additional information.

Congressional Pages and Internships

Flexible internships are available in Congressman Latham's district offices or in Washington, D.C.  To be considered for an intern position, please forward a letter of intent with a resume to Mike Gruber in Congressman Latham's Washington, D.C. Office.

Congressional Calendars

The U.S. Capitol Historical Society's calendar each year is available at no charge to Iowan's of the 4th Congressional District from Congressman Latham's Office.  The calendar contains daily notations of the history of the nation and features unique views of the capital city and its monuments taken by leading photographers.  To request a calendar contact Elizabeth Gordan of the Washington, D.C. Office.