Welcome to Iowa's Fourth Congressional District

Dear Friends,
Welcome to the official website for Iowa's 4th Congressional District.  I am grateful for the opportunity to bring you this portal of information on your government.
Enjoy your visit and come back often!
Tom Latham signature
Tom Latham


Hot Topics

treasure chestTHE GREAT IOWA TREASURE HUNT - Here is a twist on taxes that most taxpayers will like -- the Internal Revenue Service owes 445 Iowans over $313,000!  And -- believe it or not -- they want to pay up.  The checks range from as low as $1 to over $30,000. The average per-check amount is $706.  Are you due a refund?  Check the list online.  (MORE)

LATHAM ELECTED TO HOUSE LEADERSHIP - Congressman Latham has been chosen to represent Members of Congress from the states of Iowa, Missouri, and Illinois on the Majority Steering Committee for the 109th Congress.   “Tom Latham has been a true leader in his service to Iowans,” said Speaker of the U.S. House, Dennis Hastert.  (MORE)

TRAVELING HELP DESK COMING TO ASSIST YOU IN NOVEMBER - Congressman Latham’s Traveling Help Desk provides an opportunity for any constituent to meet in, or near, their hometown one-on-one with a member of his Congressional staff to help cut government red tape or to voice questions, comments, and concerns. (MORE)

OVER $3.6 MILLION FOR ECONOMIC - AGRICULTURE - AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT - The U.S. Small Business Small Business Administration has approved the release of federal funds obtained by Congressman Latham to advance the establishment of The Iowa Biologics Facility at Iowa State University.  It is an initiative which aims to capitalize on the significant developments in plant biotechnology to promote new business enterprises in Iowa and educate students for careers that can have an enormous impact on agriculture and industry in the State. (MORE)

HERO OF THE TAXPAYER - Congressman Tom Latham has been recognized by the nation’s leading taxpayer advocacy group with the 2004 “Hero of the Taxpayer” award.  Latham was honored at an informal ceremony in the United States Capitol with the presentation of the award based on his votes considered most critical for American taxpayers. (MORE)

IOWA CENTER TRAINS FIRST RESPONDERS IN TERRORISM RESPONSE - For the second year, Congressman Latham has secured funding for the Homeland Security Regional Training and Command Center located in Fort Dodge.  $843,000 has been secured to train 6,800 first responders in terrorism awareness, basic incident command, and bombing awareness. (MORE)

SUPPORT OUR TROOPS - With an overwhelming display of patriotism and support for our troops throughout the World Congressman Latham has compiled a list of organizations Iowans may want to consider as a way of providing additional support for our troops fighting overseas. (MORE)


Contact Congressman LathamE-Mail: tom.latham@mail.house.gov


440 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Toll Free:
Phone: 202-225-5476
Fax: 202-225-3301

213 North Duff Avenue Suite #1
Ames, Iowa 50010
Phone: 515-232-2885
Fax: 515-232-2844

812 Hwy. 18 East - P.O. Box 532
Clear Lake, Iowa 50428
Phone: 641-357-5225
Fax: 641-357-5226

1426 Central Avenue Suite #A
Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501
Phone: 515-573-2738
Fax: 515-576-7141