U.S. Department of the Interior / Bureau of Land Management / Idaho
Site Index
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Abandoned Mine Lands
ACECs - Idaho list
Address Directory - BLM Idaho
Adoptions - Wild Horse & Burro
Agency-Kenney Watershed Analysis (Joint BLM/Forest Service)
Amendments to the Shoshone Field Office Land Use Plans for Land Tenure Adjustment and Areas of Criticial Environmental Concern
Annual Report - Public Rewards from Public Lands 1999 Report
Application for Transportation and Utility Systems and Facilities on Federal Lands - Form SF299
Areas of Critical Environmental Concern - Idaho List
Assistance Agreements

Biological Assessment - Bull Trout on the Ongoing Activities in the Jarbidge River Watershed
Biological Assessment (Draft) - Excess Forage Allocation and Grazing Permit Renewal Biological Assessment
Biological Soil Crusts: Ecology and Management
Birds of Prey National Conservation Area
BLM's Priorities for Recreation and Visitor Services (The) (324k)
BLM Search
BLM Facts
BLM Idaho Offices
Blackfoot River Wild & Scenic River Eligibility Study/Tentative Classification
Boater's Guide - Lower Salmon River
Boise District Directions Map
Boise Interagency Dispatch
Boise to Borah Rights-of-Way Transfer Environmental Assessment
Bruneau-Jarbidge Rivers
Buckskin Fuels Reduction Environmental Assessment
Burley Field Office Directory
Burley Field Office Web Site
Business Opportunities with the BLM & DOI

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Cadastral Survey
   - Land Surveyors in Field Offices
   - Geographic Coordinate Data Base (GCDB)
   - Global Positioning System (GPS)Castlehead-Lambert and Jordan Valley Allotments (Grazing Permit Renewals for)
Challis Field Office Directory
Challis HMA Horse Gather Plan and EA
Challis Resource Management Plan
Chilly Slough Wetland
Coeur d'Alene Field Office Directory
Coeur d'Alene Lake Recreation Area
Communication Sites
Central Contractor Registration
Cottonwood Field Office Directory
Craters of the Moon National Monument
Cultural/Archaeology Information
Cultural History of the Lower Salmon River

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Decision Records Index
Desert Land Entries



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Eagle Watch
Electronic Reading Room (EFOIA)
E-Mail Directory
Environmental Assessments Index
Environmental Education
Environmental Impact Statements Index
Excess Forage Allocation and Grazing Permit Renewal Biological Assessment - Biological Assessment (Draft) -

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Facts - BLM

Feature Articles

Federal Recreation Opportunities
Federal Register
Field Guide to the Special Status Plants of the BLM Lower Snake River District
Fire, Fuels and Related Vegetation Management Direction Plan
Filming on Public Lands

Fire Information

Hazardous Fuels Projects

Wildland-Urban Interface Communities-at-Risk Assessments

Four Rivers Field Office Directory
Freedom of Information Act
Frequently Asked Questions

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General Land Office (GLO) Title Information
Grazing (Livestock) on Western Riparian Areas
Great Basin Restoration Initiative

Herd Creek Environmental Assessment


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Idaho BLM Boundary Map
Idaho Briefs
Idaho Falls Field Office Directory
Idaho Offices Directory
Idaho Standards for Rangeland Health and Guidelines for Livestock Grazing Management (564k)
Idaho State Office Directions Map
Idaho Updates - see Publications
Idaho Community Watershed Partnerships
Indian Meadows EA
Information Access Center

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Jarbidge Allotment Assessments and Determinations
Jarbidge RMP and Record of Decision
Jarbidge RMP Update

Jarbidge Field Office
Jarbidge River Watershed - BA for Bull Trout on the Ongoing Activities in the


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L & W Stone Corporation Three Rivers Stone Quarry Revised Amended Plan of Operations
Landscaping with Native Plants of the Intermountain Region - Technical Reference 1730-3 (December 2003)
Lava Ranches Fuel Reduction Environmental Assessment
Livestock Grazing on Western Riparian Areas
LR2000-Access to Land and Minerals Information

Lands and Realty

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Land Survey Information

Land Title Information

Lemhi RMP Amendment & Decision Record

Lewis and Clark

Livestock Grazing
Lower Salmon River
Lower Salmon River Website
Lower Salmon River Boater's Guide Maps
Lower Salmon River Cultural Heritage
Lower Snake River District
Lower Snake River District Field Guide to Special Status Plants

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Mackay Recreation Site Environmental Assessment and Project Plan
Mackay Reservoir Wildlife Viewing Area
Malad Field Station Directory
Management Framework Plans Index


Map Sales
Medicine Lodge Resource Management Plan (December 1985)
Medicine Lodge RMP EIS Draft (1984)
Minerals - LR2000 Access to Lands & Minerals Information

Mission Statement
Monitoring Streambanks and Riparian Vegetation - Multiple Indicator Monitoring
Monument RMP EIS Draft (1984)

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National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
...Native Plants of the Intermountain Region (Landscaping with) - Technical Reference 1730-3 (December 2003)
NEPA Projects
News Releases 
Nickel Creek and Nickel Creek FFR Assessments
Normal Fire Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation Plan EA
North Rasmussen Ridge Mine DEIS
North Rasmussen Ridge Mine ROD
Northern Rockies Canada Lynx Amendment
Noxious Weeds

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Oregon Trail
Our Cultural Heritage (Online Publication)

Owyhee Field Office
Owyhee Resource Management Plan

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Pixley Basin Prescribed Burn
Planning Documents Index
Pocatello Field Office Directory
Pocatello RMP Planning Process
Pocatello RMP & EIS Draft (1987)
Portneuf West-Bench Fuels Reduction Project Environmental Assessment
Privacy Statement
Project Plans Index
Protecting Your Home from Fire
Public Land Orders
Public Land Sales
Public Rewards from Public Lands 1999 Report

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Rasmussen (North) Ridge Mine DEIS
Records of Decision Index
Recreation and Visitor Services - The BLM's Priorities for (324k)
Resource Advisory Councils
Resource Projects
Recreation Opportunities (Federal)
Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed Prescribed Fire Research Plan EA
Riparian Areas (Livestock Grazing On Western ...)
Riparian Communities and Related Topics
Riparian Vegetation...Monitoring Streambanks and- Multiple Indicator Monitoring

Road Management and Maintenance Guidelines for Public Lands in Idaho

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Sagebrush Steppe Ecosystem Reserve Management Plan Environmental Assessment
Sagebrush Steppe Ecosystem Reserve (INEEL) FONSI
Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir
Salmon Field Office Directory
Search BLM
Shoshone Field Office Directory
Shoshone Field Office Land Use Plans for Land Tenure Adjustment & ACEC - Draft Amendments
Shoshone Field Office Land Use Plans for Land Tenure Adjustment & ACEC - Final Document
Silver City Fuels Treatment (PowerPoint presentation converted to pdf)
Silver City Wildland-Urban Interface Communities-at-Risk Assessment
Smoky Canyon Mine ROD (PDF 103k)
Snake River Birds of Prey Area
Soil Biological Communities
Special Places
Special Status Plants of the BLM Lower Snake River District - a field guide
Special Status Plants & Animals
Special Status Species Lists
St. Anthony Sand Dunes
Standards for Rangeland Health and Guidelines for Livestock Grazing Management - Idaho (564k)
State Office (Idaho) Directions Map


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Technical Bulletins
Telephone Directory - BLM Idaho

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Upper Columbia Salmon Clearwater District
Upper Snake River District


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Watershed Partnerships, Idaho Community
Weather Warnings (Fire)
What We Do
Wild Horse Gather EA
Wild Horse & Burro Internet Adoption
Wildland-Urban Interface Communities-at-Risk Assessments
Wind Energy Policy
Wind Energy Website





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This page was created by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management - Idaho State Office
1387 S. Vinnell Way   Boise, Idaho 83709
(208) 373-4000
Idaho Federal Relay: (800) 877-8339

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