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Robert T. Matsui - Serving California's Fifth District

Government Links

This page contains a series of links to federal government websites that may be useful or interesting to constituents and other visitors to this site. You may also wish to visit FirstGov, the official U.S. Government portal to more than 47 million pages of government information, services, and online transactions.

Social Security
Visit the Social Security Administration website; learn about the program's history; or apply for Social Security Retirement benefits, Spouse's benefits or Disability benefits. You can also find your local Social Security office.

Health Care
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) provides health care to seniors and to more than 10 million otherwise uninsured children. You can also learn about the functions of the Department of Health and Human Services.

The Internal Revenue Service is the federal government agency charged with tax collection. You can jump directly to tax information for individuals. The State of California also maintains a very helpful tax information center.

War on Terrorism and National Security
Visitors interested in finding out more about the federal government's response to the tragedy of September 11 may wish to visit the following sites:

Smithsonian Institution
Representative Matsui is a Regent of the Smithsonian Institution and a strong supporter of its mission for "the increase and diffusion of knowledge." You can view a list of member museums or find out about find out about upcoming tours and programs in Washington, DC and around the nation and the world.

Other Government Sites
You may wish to visit the White House or the main site for the Federal Judiciary. The Library of Congress also hosts links pages for the Executive Branch and for general government information. In the United States Senate, Senator Diane Feinstein and Senator Barbara Boxer serve the State of California. Websites for the California State Government in Sacramento include the Governor's page, the State Assembly page, and the State Senate page.

Links for Kids
Ben's Guide to the U.S. Government is a great destination for learning about how the American government works and what it means to you. Kids in the House, operated by the Clerk of the House, is a wonderful site for learning more about Congress. You may also be interested in visiting the White House Kid's Site; the Kid's Castle at the Smithsonian Museum; the Family Site at the Library of Congress; or the CIA's Kid's Page. Representative Matsui's favorite President was John F. Kennedy

The selection of links here is not intended to be comprehensive or to meet all needs. If you need government information and cannot find it, please contact Representative Matsui's office for assistance.