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IAEGC Charter




Roles and Responsibilities

Membership and Procedures


The Inter-Agency Electronic Grants Committee (IAEGC) is established to coordinate, promote and facilitate the effective use of electronic commerce (EC) throughout the federal grants community.

The Federal government awards over $350B in grants annually.  The grants are awarded through over 600 programs from 26 Federal agencies.  The administration of these grants varies from program to program.  The President’s Management Agenda says that “Agencies will allow applicants for Federal grants to apply for and ultimately manage grant funds online through a common web site, simplifying grants management and eliminating redundancies in the same way as the single procurement portal will simplify purchasing.”  Recognition of this capability requires close coordination among and between the Federal grant-making agencies and a large and diverse grantee community that includes state and local governments, university-based research organizations, nonprofit institutions and others.  The IAEGC is chartered to conduct outreach programs and to create a forum in which this close coordination can flourish. 

Disparity among grant programs directly affects the grantee. The many sets of rules and procedures require time and constant information updating by grantees.  States and recipient organizations must train workers to be proficient in one or more of the disparate Federal stovepipe systems. Establishment of common data requirements and common business processes to be used by Federal grant programs can eliminate much of the redundancy and complexity experienced by the grantee community.  The IAEGC will develop, maintain and promulgate Federal grant standards within national and international data interchange forums and organizations.

The National Performance Review (NPR) published the document “Access America” on February 3, 1997 that recommended establishing the IAEGC.  Numerous other Federal policies, guidance, and legislation, including Executive Order 13011, and Federal Information Processing Standard 161-2, direct agency use of BPR, enhanced information technology (IT) and EC to improve customer service and reduce the costs of operations while maintaining or increasing mission capability. The General Services Administration (GSA) drafted an initial charter for the IAEGC in June 1997 and sponsored the IAEGC as part of the Federal office for electronic government. 

More recently the Federal Financial Assistance Management Improvement Act of 1999 (P.L. 106-107) called for the streamlining of the Federal grant process. The E-Grants initiative is intended to transform the Federal grants environment through a combination of simplification of process, standardization of data, and creation of an electronic grants portal.  Based upon this major e-government initiative the GSA transferred its sponsorship of the IAEGC to the Department of Health and Human Services (as Managing Partner for the E-Grants initiative) and the E-Grants Program Management Office (PMO) effective April 2002.



  • Assist the PMO with the major areas under the E-Grants initiative:  Grants Business Process and Policy, Technology Implementation, and Liaison.  
  • Plan and conduct outreach activities that provide information exchange between Federal grantor and all grant recipients.
  • Promote the standardization of grants data, business processes and technologies to the maximum extent possible while recognizing the need to support unique requirements related to different grant types and recipient communities.
  • Maintain a forum where best practices that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Federal grant administration can be discussed and promoted.
  • Support the automation of manual processes and implement fundamental change in business operations.

The IAEGC will:

  • Promote the continued development of a common face and apply appropriate technologies to the various components of the grants life cycle.3
  • Leverage EC technologies and business process experience across grant stakeholders in a manner that utilizes fiscal and human resources effectively.
  • Promote the provision of grants EC opportunities for all sizes and types of organizations.
  • Improve information and technology sharing among grantee community EC participants.



The IAEGC will operate under the auspices of the E-Grants Program Management Office and will fulfill three primary roles as follows:  

  • Outreach: The IAEGC will plan, coordinate, and administer outreach activities between the Federal grantors and grantees.  The IAEGC will continue to work closely with its existing chartered partners such as the Federal Demonstration Partnership and the Interstate Advisory Group.  The IAEGC will maintain at least two subcommittees that focus on research related grantees and on state, local, non-profit and other grantees.  The IAEGC will maintain close ties with associations and professional groups that involve members of the grantee community such as the National Grants Management Association, the National Association of Comptrollers, Auditors, and Treasurers, regional commissions and community-based organizations and the Society of Research Administrators.
  • Standards: The IAEGC will work collaboratively among the Federal agencies, appropriate Federal inter-agency organizations, and with the Federal grant recipients to develop, promote, coordinate, and maintain the use of standardized data and the electronic exchange of Federal grants information. The IAEGC will establish an Electronic Standards Working Group (ESWG) to develop standard data elements and business processes across all grant life-cycle functions. The ESWG will prepare guidelines on user interfaces, architectures, implementation conventions for data exchange, and XML schemas and document type definitions for standardized data elements for grant applications, awards, profiles, and reports.
  • Forum:  The IAEGC will provide a forum for Federal and non-Federal organizations to discuss matters of mutual concern, such as legislative compliance for streamlining, or minimizing unnecessary burdens on grant recipients that also received Federal contracts. The IAEGC will use its quarterly meetings to address issues, technologies, and best practices that further the improvement of Federal grant management. The IAEGC will maintain and use listserv processors that exchange views and information of interest to Federal grantors, grant recipients and the general public.
The IAEGC will harmonize the initiatives and recommendations of its working groups, and as necessary, make recommendations to the GITS board and the EC Program Office regarding support for Grants EC implementation.


Membership in the IAEGC is open to all Federal agencies and to members of groups officially recognized by the IAEGC for membership such as the Interstate Advisory Group and the Federal Demonstration Partnership.  All members will be expected to attend and actively participate in furthering the execution of its mission.  Members shall also informally interact with the IAEGC Chair(s) to keep them advised of any pertinent issues.  Members will also be responsible for keeping individual agency management informed of all on-going activities, and work collaboratively to achieve the IAEGC mission and goals.


The IAEGC will determine,  document and post its internal operating procedures.   

The IAEGC may determine to establish specific working groups as needed.  

Individual agencies may participate in any or all established working groups.  Working groups shall select their own chair.  All working groups shall report regularly to the IAEGC and work collaboratively amongst one another to fulfill common goals.


The IAEGC shall meet at least quarterly.


The IAEGC either directly and/or through its working groups shall develop  action plan(s) to guide its actions.  The IAEGC will update and modify the action plan(s) as needed.

Charles Havekost

Department of Health and Human Services

E-Grants Program Management Office