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[design image slice] U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service on faded trees in medium light green background [design image slice] more faded trees
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USDA Forest Service
Recreation, Heritage & Wilderness Resources
Mail Stop 1125
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, D.C.

(202) 205-1706

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Recreational Activities

Frequently Requested Facts

Do You Know

...the variety and number of recreation related opportunities that exist on your National Forests and Grasslands? If you have Java enabled on your browser, just hold your cursor over the word "answer" to have some interesting facts "pop-up!". Or, get all the answers to these questions and more at once.

  • How many total acres do National Forests and National Grasslands encompass? answer
  • National Forests and Grasslands can be found in how many states? answer
  • How many National Forest are there? How many National Grasslands? answer
  • The Forest Service manages many special recreation areas including National Monuments, National Recreation Areas, and National Scenic Areas offering special opportunities. How many are there? answer
  • The Forest Service also manages congressionally designated Wilderness areas. What do you know about them? answer
  • Many people visit National Forests and Grasslands to hike, bike or ride on trails. How many miles of trails are there? answer
  • Traveling by automobile on National Forest Scenic Byways offer special viewing opportunities. How many miles of designated scenic byways are there? answer
  • Wild and Scenic Rivers offer visitors unique river experiences. How many are there? answer
  • Many people visit their National Forests and Grasslands to camp, picnic, boat or visit some other type of developed recreation facility. Want to know the facts? answer
  • Many recreation opportunities are provided by private companies operating under special use permits from the Forest Service. These include outfitters, guides, and ski area operators. How many are there? answer
  • America's Heritage is reflected in our historic and pre-historic sites. How many sites are there.? answer

USDA Forest Service
Last modified April 15, 2004

[graphic] USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. [graphic] Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site. [graphic] A link to the US Forest Service home page.