DOI SafetyNet
Safety First, Every Job, Every Time

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   DOI Med Ref Guide
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Safety First, Every Job, Every Time


Departmental Standards

DOI Strategic Safety & Health Plan

The Safety and Occupational Health Strategic Plan (revised January 2000) establishes the direction for the Department of the Interior to provide safe and healthy work environments for its employees and others on Interior-managed facilities and lands. Through this Plan, we commit ourselves to establishing safety and health as values in our work as we protect our resources from accidental injury and damage. This Strategic Plan identifies five major efforts that will help lead to its goal of zero loss of human and material resources.

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DOI Safety and Occupational Health Manual, DM 485

The DOI Department Manual, Part 485, Safety and Occupational Health Program, revised in 1999, sets forth the policy for the implementation and administration of the safety and occupational health program for the Department of the Interior. The Manual consists of 29 chapters and is available through ELIPS, Electronic Library of Interior Policies. To access DM 485 click-on, Table of Contents for DEPARTMENTAL DIRECTIVES, and scroll down to Series: SAFETY MANAGEMENT -- Part 485: Safety and Occupational Health Program; or enter "485" in the search window at the top, left corner of the page.

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DOI Medical Handbook

DOI Medical Handbook is designed to improve occupational health services for the employees of DOI. The comprehensive handbook provides guidance on medical surveillance, medical examinations of fitness for duty, determination of medical qualifications, and reasonable accommodation. It is part of The DOI Safety and Occupational Health Program Manual (485 DM) by reference.

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DOI Medical Reference Guide

DOI Medical Reference Guide is a general medical reference guide for human resource management. The guide provides up to date references on medical issues to improve occupational health services for the employees of DOI. It is part of The DOI Safety and Occupational Health Program Manual (485 DM) by reference.

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Federal Standards

The following frequently used Federal codes, standards, and rulemaking are linked for reference.

Code of Federal Regulations, U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA, Title 29 -- Standards CFR 29 (Parts 70-2400)

  • CFR 29, Part 1910 -- Occupational Safety and Health Standards
  • CFR 29, Part 1926 -- Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
  • CFR 29, Part 1960 -- Basic Program Elements for Federal Employee Occupational Safety and Health Programs and Related Matters
All CFR Titles 1 through 50 can be obtained from the National Archives Records and Administration. This current listing is maintained through GPO Access.

Executive Order 12196 -- EO #12196

This EO, "Occupational Safety and Helath Programs for Federal Employees," dated February 26, 1980, defines how the 1970 Occupational Safety and Health Act, the "OSHA Act," is applied to Federal agencies.

Safety, Health And Return-to-Employment -- SHARE Initiative

On January 9, 2004, the Administration announced the Safety, Health and Return-to-Employment (SHARE) Initiative directing federal agencies to establish goals and track performance in 4 major areas. Federal agencies are charged with lowering workplace injury and illness case rates, lowering lost-time injury and illness case rates, timely reporting of injuries and illnesses and reducing lost days resulting from work injuries and illnesses. Goals and performance targets are set by each agency through collaboration with the Department of Labor.

Federal Worker 2000 Presidential Initiative -- Federal Worker 2000 ; Preceeded the SHARE Initiative of 2004

The Federal Worker 2000 initiative sought to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses of Federal workers. The Secretary of Labor was directed to establish goals with all Federal agencies. Goals include reducing the overall occurance of injuries by 3% each year, reducing the injury rates of the worksites with the highest rates of serious injuries by 10% each year, and reducing the rate of lost production days by 2% each year.

Office of Workers' Compensation Programs -- OWCP

This DOL home page references the Employment Standards Administration, CFR Titles and Sections, and QWCP Information.

Environmental Protection Agency Laws and Regulations -- EPA Regs & Laws

This Environmental Protection Agency Page is a comprehensive listing of EPA's laws and regulations to protect the environment. It provides general information on the process of creating Federal Laws, having the law become a regulation, and implementing the rules and regulations.

Material Safety Data Sheets -- MSDS

This Page describes Material Safety Data Sheets, MSDS, gives examples, contains an information section on frequently asked questions, and provides on-line sources of MSDS's. MSDS are required to be on file at all worksites.

NFPA Codes and Standards -- Life Safety Code 101

The National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA), Life Safety Code 101, provides minimum requirements for the design, operation, and maintenance of buildings for safety to life from fire and similar emergencies. Click-on link above for a list of all NFPA Codes and information to purchase.

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You can help keep SafetyNet an effective and up-to-date information source. Please send your suggestions, news items, useful links, etc. to J. Harrison Daniel, Office of Managing Risk and Public Safety, Denver, CO,

Last Revision: September 2004