DOI SafetyNet
Safety First, Every Job, Every Time

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To provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, each bureau of the DOI will develop and implement an annual safety and health training plan that encompasses the following:

Orientation Needs

All employees (including managers and supervisors) will receive safety and health program orientation training, including their rights and responsibilities, and applicable information on the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Executive Order 12196, 29 CFR 1960. The CD-ROM training described in Training/Materials section below provides this orientation.

Collateral duty safety and occupational health officers and supervisors will be given appropriate hazard recognition training within six months of being selected for the task. Safety and health committee members should be given similar training.

Employee Needs

  • The minimum knowledge and skills required will be identified for each hazardous work activity such as the operation of a chain saw or a tractor. Employees who perform these activities will be screened prior to their initial assignment, then rescreened periodically to determine if further instruction, practice, or formal training is needed.

  • Employees will be given specialized training, when needed, to equip them with the knowledge and skills to safely perform assigned tasks and to respond effectively to recognized emergencies such as fires, injuries, or other types of accidents. Certification procedures for high-hazard tasks such as the use or transporting of explosives, will be documented and carried out by certified examiners.

  • Formal classroom training and certification that is given for high-hazard activities will be recorded by the bureau and maintained at least five years.

Supervisor and Safety and Health Officer's Needs

  • Collateral duty safety and occupational health officers and supervisors will be given appropriate hazard recognition training within six months of being selected for the task. Safety and health committee members should be given similar training.

  • Employee development plans will be developed and monitored by management. The bureau safety and health manager will advise management on specific training to be included for safety and health occupational personnel within the bureau to help them meet present and future Program needs.

  • Formal training and certification programs will be evaluated periodically.

DOI Safety and Occupational Health Seminar

This biennial Departmentwide Seminar, presented every odd-numbered calendar year, provides training for full-time and collateral duty safety and occupational health officers, managers, supervisors, employees and employee representatives. Technical sessions cover safety and health hazards pertaining to DOI field and office employees ranging from topics such as motor vehicle safety to wilderness survival. Hands-on experience in using the accident reporting system of the Safety Management Information System (SMIS), along with certification courses in fire safety, accident prevention, and OSHA topics are offered.

To review the events and activities of the 2001 Seminar held April 22-27, 2001, in Seattle, WA, click-on 2001 S&H; Seminar.

Information on future seminars including dates, locations, agenda, and registration will be posted in the monthly News and Highlights category of SafetyNet as available.

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Presentations and Handouts

Safety Smart LogoThe new improved Safety Smart! for Networks gives you access to thousands of ready to use Safety Talks and Articles, Safety Slogans, Clip Art, and Custom Posters, Fatality Case Reports, Power Point Presentations, and the quarterly "Safety Smart Magazine." Perfect for safety meetings, tailgate talks, and required safety training. All Interior employees -- supervisors, managers, safety officials, and employees -- can use the professionally prepared resources and materials to conduct effective meetings covering 28 areas of safety and health topics -- Become an Expert.

Interior employees access Safety Smart! , by clicking-on Safety Smart! and using your last name as shown on payroll files and the last 4 digits of your SSN.

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The following is a list of safety and health training resources. Suggestions to include additional material found effective and useful in improving worksite conditions should be given to the Bureau Safety Managers.

DOI Online Safety and Health Training Now Available At No Cost

Interior employees can now complete safety and occupational health training at no cost through the DOI University's Learning Management System (LMS). The course offerings include:

  • DOI Safety and Occupational Health Overview
  • Authorities, Roles and Responsibilities
  • Resources, References and Standards
  • Executive Orientation to Safety and Occupational Health
  • Selected bureau-specific Health & Safety Courses
Many of these courses are manditory training for Interior Safety Officers. The courses also provide valuable safety awarness and accident prevention knowledge for all employees.

Courses are designed for four targeted groups -- (1) executives, (2) supervisors, (3) employees, and (4) collateral duty safety officers. Instructions for registering, taking the training, and obtaining certificates of completion are available by clicking-on,    It's Free!

Certified Safety & Health Manager Professional Certification from the Institute for Safety and Health Management

The Certified Safety and Health Manager (CSHM) program recognizes the safety and health professionals who demonstrate knowledge of health and safety management skills and techniques through examination and experience. The professional certification is sponsored by the Institute for Safety and Health Management (ISHM), and requires a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree, five qualifying years of experience, and passing an examination. All information pertaining to the CSHM certification can be found by clicking-on the Institute's website, ISHMonline. Notify your bureau safety & health manager of your interest in pursuing this program, Bureau Safety & Health Managers.

Driver Improvement Program -- AAA's Managing Visibility, Time and Space

The American Automobile Association's (AAA) Driver Improvement Program - Managing Visibility, Time and Space - has been provided to the Bureau Safety & Health Managers and distributed amoung field offices as part of a drivers' safety program. This safety initiative, sponsored by the Designated Agency Safety and Health Offical (DASHO) Council and the DOI Safety and Occupational Health Council, emphasizes driver training to reduce motor vehicle accidents and injuries. Plans are to distribute the package consisting of a CD-ROM and Driver Handbook during Fall of 2001.

The package contains a Student Manual Handbook and a two CD-ROM set that are effective tools for improving driver skills for both the beginer driver, as well as the the experienced driver. Both units contain eight, self-paced chapters or modules. These modules are an Introduction to Risk, Seeing, Communication, Adjusting Speed, Margin of Safety, Driving Emergencies, Your Vehicle, and You - the Driver.

Each chapter of the stand alone Handbook, shown at the right, contains descriptive instructional material and a 10 question test at the end of each chapter. The comprehensive CD-ROM features a combination of text, pictures, audio, video, and animation exercises to help you assess conditions, predict actions of others, and make decisions with a more realistic concept of the consequences. Both help you become a more aware and safer driver. You must log on to the CD-ROM and can exit the program at any time returning to it at a later time. A 15 question Final Quiz with a passing score of 70% shows successful completion of the program. The 15 questions are randomly selected making each quiz different.

This driver training provided by the AAA Driver Improvement Program meets the DOI requirements for initial and refresher training for the safe operation of motor vehicles. Departmental Manual, DM 485, Safety Management, Chapter 16, Motor Vehicle Safety, Requirement 16.3.F.


Safety and Occupational Health CD-ROM Training

NOTE: This CD has been updated and replaced by the on-line, training described above offered by the DOI Universiy. Copies of the CD are still available until supplies are exhausted.

A self-taught course designed to provide a basic and functional understanding of the elements which make up a successful safety and health program is available on CD-ROM. It is designed in modules with selected modules appropriate for executives, collateral duty safety officers, supervisors, or employees. The trainee successfully completes tests in each module before moving on to additional material. After completing the training, the employee is knowledgeable of the intent and content of regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the safety and health policies of the Department of the Interior.

Training provided by this CD-ROM meets the OSHA and DOI orientation safety and health requirements for management officials, supervisors, safety and health specialists, and collateral duty safety and health personnel. Contact the Office of Managing Risk and Public Safety (MRPS), Safety and Health Team in Denver, CO, for copies; attention Harrison Daniel -- tel: 303-236-7128 ext 229, or fax: 303-236-7336

Serious Accident Investigation Training Package

This package, consisting of a training video and handbook, trains Serious Accident Investigative Teams (SAIT). It is designed to refresh individuals selected as SAIT members on the accident investigation process, and to assist members to effectively work together. It is essential for the team to collectively understand their individual and team roles and responsibilities; particularly, when team members may be of different backgrounds. It is refresher training given just prior to the investigation. Packages are available from the Bureau Safety Managers.

OSHA 600 - Collateral Duty Course for Other Federal Agencies

The OSHA 600 course, required of all DOI employees with official safety and health responsibilities, is available online as a web-based application. Click-on OSHA 600. The application was developed by The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and designed into a web application by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The course introduces Federal agency collateral (part-time) safety and health personnel to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Executive Order 12196, 29 CFR 1960 and 29 CFR 1910. Students will be able to recognize basic safety and health hazards in their workplace, and to conduct inspections and assist with abatement efforts.

This comprehensive online course contains 16 instructional modules ranging from 15 individual screens for the Federal Agency Safety and Health Program module to the 108 individual screens for the Materials Handling/Storage module. Each module has short answer questions to test student's comprehension. The web application is designed to replace the four-day classroom instructor course. Interested employees must check with their Bureau Safety & Health Manager and their onsite safety and health official to arrange for course credit.

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Centers for Training

Employee training courses and programs are required to be coordinated among the employee, their supervisor, and the appropriate bureau training officer/manager.

DOL and DOI Federal training centers that provide general safety and health courses and instruction required for all employees, as well as the specialized safety and health instruction required for employees located in remote worksite offices and facilities, are listed below:

  • DOI University (DOIU) Centers
    The DOI University Learning Centers are located in Albuquerque, NM; Anchorage, AK; Denver, CO; And Washington, DC. These centers offer selected safety and health courses along with career and execuetive development courses and programs. The Web page offers a listing of programs and courses offered at the centers and registration information.

  • OSHA Training Institute
    The OSHA Training Institute located in Des Plaines, IL (Chicago area) offers safety and health training courses for the Federal and private sectors. The web site offers an extensive list of course offerings, along with complete prerequisite requirements, course descriptions, and registration information.

  • OSHA Training Institute Education Centers
    OSHA is comprised of ten regions representing geographical areas that divide the United States and its territories. Each of the ten regions has Education Centers that provide certified training. The Web page lists the locations and contacts and provides information for each training center.

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You can help keep SafetyNet an effective and up-to-date information source. Please send your suggestions, news items, useful links, etc. to J. Harrison Daniel, Office of Managing Risk and Public Safety, Denver, CO,

Last Revision: October 2004