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KITA/JUSMAG-K - U.S. Defense Acquisition Seminar


Date: November 18, 2004
Venue: COEX Convention Center, Grand Ballroom 104 & 105
Time: 09:00-16:00

KITA and JUSMAG-K will host a seminar to the KITA membership that is aimed at familiarizing Korean companies with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Acquisition process and some of the various methods available that could facilitate international participation.

The seminar will be highlighted with several guest speakers from the U.S. Department of Defense.

U.S. DoD Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT) Program

Since 1980, the FCT program has focused on accelerating the acquisition process and reducing rising development costs by searching for products currently being used or developed in the commercial sector that meet and exceed current performance standards of existing products. DoD has funded over 500 FCT projects with approximately 160 leading to procurements worth over six billion U.S. dollars. Many FCT projects have reduced the total ownership of military systems, cutting overall acquisition and support expenditures while enhancing standardization and interoperability, improving allied cross-service support, and promoting international cooperation.

U.S. PACOM, Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrations (ACTD)

ACTDs focus on bringing mature and maturing technologies from industry and R&D facilities to the military warfighter in order to solve important military problems. The goal is to provide a prototype capability to the warfighter and to support him in the evaluation of that capability. The program then operates militarily useful quantities of prototype systems in realistic military demonstrations making an assessment of the military utility of the proposed capability. The ultimate goal is to fill critical needs, which may ultimately result in the recommendation of full acquisition of the technology and further fielding of the system within operational military units.

In addition, KITA, JUSMAG-K and the U.S. Embassy Commercial Section will make presentations.


0900 Opening remarks KITA
0915 Opening remarks JUSMAG-K and brief discussion of U.S. Acquisition System
0930 U.S. Embassy Commercial Section
1000 Presentation by U.S. Department of Defense Foreign Comparative Testing Office
1100 Presentation by U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) on the ACTD process
1150 Presentation by Korean Company participating in FCT program
1230 LUNCH
1400 Open question and answer session with FCT Team
1500 Break
1515 Open question and answer session with ACTD Team
1600 Closing remarks by KITA

For conference registration, please contact KITA at