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We all remember learning in school that Congress is the branch of the government that makes the nation's laws.  While the legislative process in the House of Representatives is detailed, a number of online resources are available today to help you track what we are working on.   

In every two-year session of Congress, members of the House of Representatives introduce more than 6,000 bills.  The search function, list of bills I have introduced and the daily and weekly floor schedules included on this page can help you find out about those bills you are interested in and help you make some sense out the process that results in our laws.    

Capitol Dome Image     Legislation Supported by Rep. Lewis

During this session of Congress, I have introduced a number of different bills in the House of Representatives.  I have also signed on as a cosponsor to legislation introduced by my colleagues in the House of Representatives to show my support for their initiatives.  You can see lists of these bills here: 

Representative Lewis' Sponsored Legislation for the 108th Congress

Representative Lewis' Co-sponsored Legislation for the 108th Congress


Capitol Dome Image     Legislation Under Consideration Now

If you are looking for detailed information about bills the House of Representatives is considering on a particular day or week or just a schedule of what is going on in Congress, this information is accessible to you from the House of Representatives and the House Republican Conference:  

Currently on the House Floor

This Week on the House Floor

House Republican Conference Daily and Weekly Floor Briefings


Capitol Dome Image     Legislation Introduced in Congress

The search function below allows you to look up all House and Senate legislation by bill number or by a key word or phrase.  You can read a summary of the bill, the full text and find out the status of the legislation. The search is provided by Thomas, the legislative database compiled by the Library of Congress.

Thomas, Legislative Information, Library of Congress link 
Quick Search Text of Bills of the 108th Congress

Search by Bill Number:
(Example: "s. 435", "H.R. 842")

Search by Word/Phrase:
(Example: "tax reform")

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