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2018-2022 Statewide Opioid Action Plan

    The 2018-2022 Statewide Opioid Action Plan is a collaborative blueprint for state agencies and partner organizations to follow in the continued work to control Alaska’s opioid epidemic. The five-year action plan, compiled by the Office of Substance Misuse and Addiction Prevention (OSMAP), was developed with broad input from multiple agencies and community partners. Feedback was gathered from hundreds of Alaskans at more than a dozen stakeholder meetings and community cafés.

Heroin and opioid use in Alaska

    Heroin use has increased in Alaska and the United States, even among those in demographic groups with historically low rates of heroin use, such as women, people with private health insurance coverage and those with higher incomes. As a result, heroin-related overdose deaths have nearly quadrupled between 2002 and 2013 in the United States.

    This site provides information that can help Alaska residents, families, health care providers and communities prevent heroin and opioid abuse, reduce addiction through treatment, and reverse the life-threatening effects of overdoses.

Living with addiction


Looking for treatment?

Pain Management, Opioid Use,
and Addiction in Alaska

DEA-licensed providers: A free CE accredited online training course is now available to meet part of the new requirements for continuing education on pain management, opioid use
and addiction. Learn more on our continuing education page.
