Online Resources

The sites below can help people with disabilities or access and functional needs learn how to prepare for disasters. Find information on things like how to create an emergency plan as well as alerting tools and equipment you can get.

Caregivers and communities may also find these resources helpful.

Office of Disability Integration and Coordination
Find resources to help the whole community learn about emergency preparedness and disaster response. The site focuses on the needs of people with disabilities or access and functional needs. But you can learn how you can help. You can also find news updates and sign up to get email. (FEMA)

Individuals with Disabilities
If you have a disability or access and functional need, you may have more to think about as you plan for emergencies. Learn how to make a disaster supply kit as well as an emergency plan. The plan can help you create a support network, gather important records and contacts, and plan for power outages. (

Emergency Warnings for People With Hearing Loss
Learn how to use a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather radio (NWR) as an alerting tool. You can also find questions and answers as well as equipment lists and vendors. There’s even a basic diagram on how to connect devices to the NWR receiver. (National Weather Service)

Last Updated: 10/17/2018