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RePORT has a dedicated AARA page with all the consolidated information in one place? Click here

NIH Fact Sheets contain a timeline of information about the prevention and treatment of diseases and conditions affecting the nation's health?

Fact Sheets can be searched for by Keywords?

Fact Sheets have interactive links for additional NIH supported endeavors?

Fact Sheets present research discovery, current treatment status, and future expectations by topic?

Frequently Requested Reports are ranked based on how many times they were accessed over the past 3 months?

The Report Catalog can find reports quickly using a menu driven filtering system?

The Report Catalog provides an Advanced Search that includes some elements of Boolean logic?

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RePORT Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q&A About NIH



General RePORT Questions

  • What is the difference between RePORT and RePORTER?

    The RePORT (Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools) website provides access to a variety of reporting tools, reports, data, and analyses of NIH research activities. One of the tools available on the RePORT site is the RePORTER (RePORT Expenditures and Results) module. RePORTER is an electronic tool that allows users to search a repository of NIH-funded research projects and access publications and patents resulting from NIH funding.

NIH Funding - General Questions

Funding for Specific Areas of Research, Conditions, or Diseases

  • How were the NIH spending categories chosen?

    The categories include those that were, over time, requested by Congress and other Federal agencies for reporting to Congress and the public.

  • Can new research areas, diseases, or conditions be added to the list of spending categories?

    The NIH spending categories are those that the NIH has historically reported to Congress and the public. New categories will be considered after the NIH has gained more experience with a new reporting process (RCDC) begun in FY 2008. Existing categories will continue to be refined periodically to reflect scientific advances.

  • How are “NIH spending categories" defined?

    NIH Spending Categories are historically-reported categories of diseases, conditions, or research areas. Beginning in fiscal year 2008, a computerized process has been used at the end of each fiscal year to estimate spending in these categories. Projects by Spending Category for each fiscal year are made available the following fiscal year as part of the next President’s Budget request.

  • How do I find a breakdown of the NIH budget by the focus of the research being conducted?

    You can find information regarding the NIH budget broken down by several different reporting categories by clicking on Categorical Spending on the RePORT Home Page.

  • How do I find the total funding provided by multiple institutes and centers for a particular area of research, condition, or disease?

    Beginning with fiscal year 2008, detailed information on spending in many historically-reported categories of research is available on the NIH Categorical Spending page, accessible from the RePORT home page. Here, project lists are available that show the cost of each project and the Institute or Center that has provided project funding. These lists can be downloaded to Excel for further analysis. Project lists can also be generated using RePORTER. Select the disease you would like to search on from the “Spending Category” search field and select the Institutes and Centers of interest in the Agency/Institute/Center search field. Be sure to check the "Funding" radio button to search for projects that each Agency/Institute/Center has funded (as opposed to providing programmatic administration). The hit list resulting from the query can be downloaded to Excel for further analysis.

NIH Funding to Specific Organizations

NIH Funding to Specific Geographical Regions

Application Success Rates

  • How do I find information on application success rates?

    You can find information on application success rates by clicking on Success Rates on the RePORT Home Page. Here you will find success rates of applications for NIH research and training grants.

  • How are success rates computed?

    Success rates indicate the percentage of reviewed applications that receive funding (excluding reimbursable funding). This is computed on a fiscal year basis. Dividing the number of competing applications funded by the total number of competing applications reviewed determines success rates. Applications that have one or more amendments in the same fiscal year are counted as a single application.

Schedule for Updates to Grant and Contract Data


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