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RePORT icon


The Report Expenditures and Results tool allows users to search a repository of NIH-funded research projects and access publications and patents resulting from NIH funding.

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NIH Data icon

NIH Data Book

The NIH Data Book (NDB) provides basic summary statistics on extramural grants and contract awards, grant applications, the organizations that NIH supports, the trainees and fellows supported through NIH programs, and the national biomedical workforce.

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Catalog icon

Report Catalog

The Report Catalog is a menu driven interface geared for the NIH familiar user to provide customized reporting. A graphic depiction of some major funding mechanisms, and activity codes gives a hierarchical view of project organization.

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Success icon

Success Rates

Computed on a FY basis, success rates are defined by the percentage of applications funded and the total number of applications reviewed in various budget and grant activity categories.

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Funding Facts icon

Funding Facts

Quick access to statistics from the NIH Data Book and annual reports produced by the NIH OER’s Division of Information Services. Ability to search statistics by topic, NIH IC’s, funding mechanism, activity code, type of award, or fiscal year.

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RCDC icon

The Research, Condition, and Disease Categorization

RCDC provides consistent and transparent information to the public about NIH-funded research.

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Categorical Spending icon

NIH Categorical Spending

Provide estimates of Funding for Various Research, condition and Disease Categories (RCDC)

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ExPORTER creates downloadable versions of the raw data for all research projects found in the RePORTER database for individual use and analyses.

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Awards by Location

Consolidates all information about NIH-supported extramural organizations in a single tool.

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Funded Organizations

Information on the organizations that NIH supports through research and research training programs.

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NIH ARRA Funding Maps

Geographical representation of ARRA grants, summer research experiences, reports and stories.

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Grant Award logo

Recovery Act Investment Reports

Reports on over 175 topics in biomedical research & investment in new knowledge as a result of ARRA.

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Biennial icon

Biennial Report of the NIH Director

An integrated portrait of NIH Activities and Operations prepared every two years.

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Fact Sheet icon

NIH Factsheets

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow for the prevention and treatment of diseases and conditions affecting the nation's health.

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Strategic Plans icon

Strategic Plans

Review Strategic Plans and Visions of the Institutes and Centers of the NIH.

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Grant Award logo

Recovery Act on RePORT

Advances and investments in NIH biomedical research made possible by the infusion of ARRA funds.

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Investigators and Trainees

Information regarding the Investigators and Trainees supported through NIH research and research training programs.

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Investigative Trainees icon

The NIH-Funded Research Workforce

Review statistics on applicants, awardees, first-time versus established investigators and funding rates.

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NIH Intramural Database

The NIH Intramural Database collects and disseminates information about research being performed in the Intramural Programs of the Institutes and Centers of the National Institutes of Health.

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