NASA - Space Science graphic with planets and solar systems
Site Map  

Images - pictures of space, from our missions and other sources

Missions - links to, and brief descriptions of, our missions:
    In Planning
    Under Development
    Operating Missions
    Past Missions
    Long-range Concepts
    Multi-Mission Programs

News / Email:
    Recent News - from around the Universe, on the Space Science web and elsewhere
    Get E-Mail - free weekly news updates
    Old News

Education - our Education and Public Outreach programs:
    for scientists
    for program managers and policy makers
    for educators
    for museums and others
    Other Resources:
        Education Resource Directory for educational materials
        our E/PO strategy
        Program Evaluation - how our E/PO program is doing
        Explanatory Guide to our E/PO criteria, for scientists
        Upcoming Conferences
        FY 2001 E/PO report
        Space Science E/PO newsletters
        Frequently Asked Questions

SpaceKids - our launching pad for the young Space Scientist

Administration - the boring bureaucratic details:
    an OSS organization chart
    OSS Divisions and important documents relating to them
        Astronomy and Physics Division
        Sun-Earth Connection Division
        Solar System Exploration Division
        Mars Exploration Program Office
    Our Science Themes
        Structure and Evolution of the Universe
        Solar System Exploration
        Mars Exploration
        Sun-Earth Connection
        Astrobiology - not exactly a Theme, but it connects to everything we do
    Biographies of key OSS personnel
    Publications, including key policy and planning documents

Committees - the scientists who don't work here, but give us advice and direction:
    the Space Science Advisory Committee (SScAC)
        SScAC Members
        SScAC Subcommittees
        Upcoming Meetings of SScAC and its subcommittees
        Past Meetings - minutes, letters, audio
    the Planetary Protection Advisory Committee (PPAC)
        PPAC Members
        PPAC Charter

Frequently Asked Questions - about Space Science and other things

Research Solicitations - for the practicing scientist