Navy Environmental Quality Initiative Toolbox


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| A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| L| M| N| O| P| R| S| T| U| W|


  • Aberdeen Proving Ground’s “Environmentally Preferable Paints: Minimize Harm, Maximize Savings"
  • ACC Environmental Information Services Guide
  • AFCEE Home Page
  • AFCEE P2 Success Stories/Lessons Learned Index
  • AFCEE Pollution Prevention Toolbox
  • AFCEE Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training Slides (Powerpoint) and Course, May 1997
  • AFCEE Stormwater Program Management Guide, May 1997
  • Affirmative Procurement – Green Seal Home Page
  • AFMC Weapon System Environmental, Safety & Health Evaluation Development Guide for Single Managers, Nov 1996 (formerly PESHE Guide)
  • Air Force Affirmative Procurement Guide
  • Air Force Air Education and Training Command’s Shop Level Pollution Prevention Training Course Manual
  • Air Force Civil Engineering Pollution Prevention Model Shop Report, July 1998
  • Air Force Engineers Operations Flight Model Shop Report, July 1996
  • Air Force Enviromental Education and Training Review Board
  • Air Force Environmental Contracting Reference Guide
  • Air Force Environmental Management Self-Assessment Tool
  • Air Force Environmental Management Systems Guide
  • Air Force Environmentally Responsible Facilities Guide
  • Air Force ESH Cost Analysis Guide, May 1998
  • Air Force Food Service Facilities Model Shop Report, March 1998
  • Air Force Hazardous Waste Disposal Contract Checklist
  • Air Force Installation Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting Guidance, May 1997
  • Air Force Interim Guide for Environmental Justice Analysis with the Environmental Impact Analysis Process (EIAP)
  • Air Force Memorandum: Compliance Through Pollution Prevention Interim Guidance, Jan 1999
  • Air Force Model Pesticide Reduction Plan, Nov 1996
  • Air Force P2 Awareness: A Handbook for Vehicle Operations and Maintenance Managers, March 1995
  • Air Force Pest Management Program
  • Air Force Pollution Prevention Model Shop Report Flightline Maintenance Shops, June 1997
  • Air Force Retail Sales Facilities Model Shop Report, March 1998
  • Air Force Risk Management Plan Checklist, Jan 1998
  • Air Force Safe Drinking Water Act – SDWA Guidance and Model Implementation Plan, Aug 1995
  • Air Force Transportation Pollution Prevention Model Shop Report, July 1998
  • Air Force Weapon System ESOH Development Guide, Jan 1997
  • Air Quality Management using Pollution Prevention: A Joint Service Approach
  • Alternative Fuels Data Center
  • American Indian Religious Freedom Act Amendments of 1994
  • Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979
  • Army Environmental Awareness Products and Services
  • Army Environmental Compliance User’s Guide Series - Motor Pools and Vehicle Maintenance Areas, Feb 1996
  • Army Environmental Compliance User’s Guide Series - Open Burning/Open Detonation
  • Army Environmental Compliance User’s Guide Series - Water Treatment Systems (January 1998)
  • Army Installation Environmental Program Management Guide, 2002
  • Army Military Pest Management Handbook

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  • Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (BEES) Software
  • Building Green

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  • CAA Amendment of 1990 (Montreal Protocol)
  • CAA Title V Binder Web Site
  • Calender of Evironmental Events
  • CECOS - Naval School, Civil Engineer Corps Officers
  • CHRIMP Manual, NAVSUP P-722
  • Clean Air Act (CAA)
  • Clean Air Act Steering Services Committee
  • Clean Air Report
  • Clean Water Action Plan, Feb 1998
  • Clean Water Action Plan, National Multi-Agency Source Water Agreement, Nov 1998
  • Clean Water Action Plan: The First Year, Mar 1999
  • CNO Water & Laboratory Compliance Issues
  • Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) Administrative Record Management System (ARMS) User’s Guide, Sept 1997
  • Conservation Awareness Training Video
  • Current Executive Orders
  • Currents Magazine

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  • Daily Environment Report
  • Daily Regulatory Reporter
  • Defense Environment Alert
  • Defense Environmental Network Information Exchange (DENIX)
  • Defense Pollution Prevention Repository (DPPR)
  • Defense Reutilization & Marketing Service (DRMS) Home Page
  • Defense Technical Information Web
  • DENIX Discussion Forums
  • DENIX DoD Working Groups
  • DENIX Links to MSDS Web Sites
  • DENIX Training Resources
  • Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security) Home Page
  • DESCIM Configuration Management Guide, October 1999
  • DLA – Defense Logistics Agency Environmental Products Catalogue
  • DLA Environmental and Safety Policy Office
  • DLA Hazardous Materials Information System (HMIS)
  • DLA HAZMAT Storage/Handling Handbook, 1999
  • DLA's Moving Towards a World Without Halon: Vol 2, Safety Guide for Decommissioning Halon Systems
  • DoD Alternative Fuel Vehicle Report: National Defense Authorization Act – FY 1988
  • DoD Biodiesel: Handling and Use Guidelines, Sept 2001
  • DoD Compliance Strategy for Alternative Fuel/Hybrid Vehicle Fleet, Feb 2002
  • DoD Directive 4715.1: Environmental Security, February 1996
  • DoD Directive 6230.1; Subject: Safe Drinking Water
  • DoD Electronic Forms by Form Number
  • DoD Environmental Investment (ENVVEST) Toolkit
  • DoD Final Range Policy, March 2000
  • DoD Fuel Cell Demonstration Program
  • DoD Index of Specifications and Standards
  • DoD Instruction 4715.10: Environmental Education, Training and Career Development
  • DoD Instruction 4715.2: DoD Regional Environmental Coordination, May 1996
  • DoD Instruction 4715.3: Environmental Conservation Program, May 1996
  • DoD Instruction 4715.4: Pollution Prevention, June 1996
  • DoD Instruction 4715.5: Management of Environmental Compliance at Overseas Installations, April 1996
  • DoD Instruction 4715.6: Environmental Compliance
  • DoD Instruction 4715.9: Environmental Planning and Analysis, May 1996
  • DoD ISO 14000 Policy and Guidance
  • DoD Memorandum: USEPA and DoD With Respect to Integrated Pest Management, Mar 1996
  • DoD Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document, Mar 2000
  • DoD Policy to Implement the EPA’s Military Munitions Rule, July 1, 1998
  • DoD Pollution Prevention Metrics
  • DoD TEAM Compliance Manuals
  • DoD TEAM State-Specific Compliance Assessment Manuals
  • DOE Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse
  • DoN Energy Website
  • DoN Environmental Policy Memorandum 93-02(l): Application of the RCRA Hazardous Waste Management Requirements to Conventional Explosive Ordnance Operations, Nov 1993
  • DoN Environmental Policy Memorandum 93-04(R): Revised Policy for Department of Defense Recycling, Sept 1993
  • DoN Qualified Recycling Program (QRP) Guide, July 2000, UG-2039-ENV
  • DUSD Memorandum: Acquisition Pollution Prevention Initiative
  • DUSD(ES) Conservation Success Stories
  • DUSD(ES) Memorandum: DoD Use of Recycled Copier Paper, April 1997
  • DUSD(ES) Memorandum: EPA Inspections for Compliance with EPCRA
  • DUSD(ES) Memorandum: Guidance for Claiming Exemptions from the Alternative Fueled Vehicle (AFV) Requirements of the Energy Policy Act (EPACT), Oct 1997
  • DUSD(ES) Memorandum: Guidance Regarding Use of Alternative Fuels, Nov 1997
  • DUSD(ES) Memorandum: New Pollution Prevention Measure of Merit, May 1998
  • DUSD(ES) Memorandum: Preference for EPA Guideline Items, March 1999
  • DUSD(ES) Memorandum: Recycling of Firing-Range Scrap Consisting of Expended Brass and Mixed Metals Gleaned from Firing Range Clearance Through Qualified Recycling Programs, May 1998
  • DUSD(ES) Memorandum: Re-Refined Administration Service Motor-Oil, Nov 1996
  • DUSD(ES) Memorandum: Re-Refined Lubricating Oil, March 1999
  • DUSD(ES) Memorandum: Revised Clean Water Act (CWA) Measure of Merit (MoM), May 1998
  • DUSD(ES) Memorandum: Updated Guidance on Applying EPCRA to Munitions to Meet Requirements for EO 12856, March 1998

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  • Ecolink – Environmentally Preferred Solutions for Industry
  • EMS Topic Hub from Pollution Prevention Regional Information Center
  • EMS/ISO 14000 Pilot Study Installation Web Sites
  • Endangered Species Act of 1973
  • Enviro$en$e
  • Environmental Law for DoD Installations Overseas, Fourth Edition, May ,1998
  • Environmental Planning Statement of Works (SOW)
  • Environmental Policy Report
  • Environmental Program Requirements (EPR) Software
  • EO 11988: Floodplain Management, May 1977
  • EO 11990: Protection of Wetlands, May 1977
  • EO 12844: Alternative Fuel Vehicles, April 1993
  • EO 12856: Federal Compliance With Right-To-Know Laws and Pollution Prevention Requirements, August 1993
  • EO 12898: Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations
  • EO 12962: Recreational Fisheries, June, 1995
  • EO 13031 Federal Alternative Fueled Vehicle Leadership, Dec 1996
  • EO 13101: Greening the Government Through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition, Sept 1998
  • EO 13134: Developing and Promoting Biobased Products and Bioenergy, August 1999
  • EO13007: Indian Sacred Sites, May 1997
  • EPA Federal Register
  • EPA’s EnviroFacts Warehouse
  • EPA’s Hazardous Waste Identification Final Rule for Contaminated Media, Nov 1998
  • EPA’s Home Page
  • EPA’s Military Munitions Rule, Aug 12, 1997
  • EPA’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permitting Program
  • EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation
  • EPA’s Plain English Guide to the Clean Air Act, April 1993
  • EPA’s Technology Transfer Network
  • EPA’s The Yellow Book: Guide to Environmental Enforcement and Compliance at Federal Facilities, Feb 1999
  • EPA’s Title III List of Lists, Nov 1998
  • EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Web Page
  • EPA’s Updated Air Quality Standards for Smog (Ozone) and Particulate Matter, July 1997
  • EPA's Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG)
  • EPA's Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP)
  • EPA's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
  • EPA's Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
  • EPA's Ozone Protection Regulations: Substitutes for Ozone-Depleting Substances
  • EPA's Waste Wise Buy-Recycled Resource Guide
  • ESTCP – Environmental Security Technology Compliance Program

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  • Federal Facilities Environmental Journal
  • Final Governing Standards by Overseas Country

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  • Gateway to IHS Environmental Information Datasets
  • Greening the Government: A Guide to Implementing EO 13101
  • GSA's Real Property Sustainable Development Guide
  • Guidance Manual for Preparation of Navy Shore Installation Pollution Prevention Plan Updates, PDF Version
  • Guidance Manual for Preparation of Navy Shore Installation Pollution Prevention Plan Updates, Word Version
  • Guide to set up an Environmental Management System
  • Guide to the DoD Environmental Security Budget, Oct 1998
  • Guide to the Navy's Environmental Quality Initiative: Using Pollution Prevention to Achieve Environmental Excellence - July 2000

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  • Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) Status Binder Web Site
  • Hazardous Substance Management System (HSMS) Activity Implementation Manual (AIM)
  • Hazardous Substance Management System (HSMS) Technical Architecture Guide Version 3.0, May 2001
  • Hazardous Technical Information Services (HTIS) Bulletin
  • HQ Air Combat Command Pollution Prevention Handbook

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  • Implementation of Revised Air Quality Standards for Ozone and Particulate Matter, White House, July 1997
  • Inside EPA Weekly Report
  • ISO 14000 Keys to Success

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  • Joint Group on Pollution Prevention (JG-PP)
  • Joint Service Pollution Prevention (P2) Technical Library

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  • LEGI-SLATE's RegAlert

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  • Manual for Watershed Health and Water Quality, Marine Corps Base Hawaii, 1998

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  • NAS North Island NELP Guide, Edition 4, Jan 1999
  • National Center for Excellence in Metalworking Technology (NCEMT)
  • National Database on Environmental Management Systems
  • National Defense Center for Environmental Excellence (NDCEE)
  • National Pollution Prevention Roundtable
  • National Primary Drinking Water Standards
  • Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (1990)
  • Natural & Cultural Resources Statement of Works (SOW)
  • NAVAIR Environmental Site
  • Naval Base Norfolk 1997 Pollution Prevention Award Submittal
  • Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (NFESC) Environmental Services
  • NAVOSH Environmental Training Center
  • Navy Commanding Officer’s Guide to Environmental Compliance, Sept 1995
  • Navy Electronic Directives System
  • Navy Environmental Leadership Program (NELP)
  • Navy Environmental Afloat Today (NEAT) News, March 1998
  • Navy Environmental Program Home Page
  • Navy Environmental Quality Initiative (EQI) Fact Sheets
  • Navy HSMS Newsletter
  • Navy Region III REC Update
  • Navy Shipboard Environmental Information Clearinghouse
  • Navy Shore Installation Pollution Prevention Planning Guide, Oct 1994
  • Navy Uniform National Discharge Standards (NUNDS)
  • NELP NAVSTA Mayport Lessons Learned
  • NEPA Process Review Forum
  • NFESC Asbestos Program
  • NFESC Asbestos Training and Asbestos Awareness Video
  • NFESC Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Innovative Environmental Technologies and Methodologies
  • NFESC Environmental Publications and Guidance Documents
  • NFESC Indoor Air Monitor
  • NFESC Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP) Guide, Sept 1993
  • NFESC Spill Prevention Guidance Manual, Nov 1996
  • NFESC Weekly Federal Register Summary
  • NORTHDIV’s NAVFACENGCOM’s Environmental and Pest Control Newsletters

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  • Office of the Federal Environmental Executive
  • OPNAVINST 5090.1B, Change 2, Sept 1999, Environmental and Natural Resource Program Manual
  • OPNAVINST 5090.1B, Change 3, Oct 2002, Environmental and Natural Resource Program Manual
  • OPNAVINST 6250.4B, August 1998, Pest Management Programs
  • Ozone Depleting Substances Inventory Tracking and Management System (ODS-ITMS)

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  • Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center (PPRC)
  • Pest Management - Ideas that Work
  • Pollution Prevention Annual Data Software (P2ADS) Software
  • Pollution Prevention Annual Data Summary (P2 ADS) Guide, Calendar Year 1998
  • Pollution Prevention Equipment Program (PPEP)
  • Pollution Prevention Equipment Program Book Web Site
  • Pollution Prevention Statement of Works (SOW)
  • Protecting America’s Wetlands: A Fair, Flexible, and Effective Approach (White House Office on Environmental Policy)
  • Pulling Together: National Strategy for Invasive Plant Management, Jan 1997

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  • Recreational Fishery Resources Conservation Plan
  • Resources on the Internet for Environmental Management Systems
  • Revised Regulations Implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (36 CFR Part 800), Nov 1997

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  • SECNAV 1710.8, November, 1990, MWR RRRP Awards Program Evaluation Criteria
  • SECNAV 4101.1, January 1986, Energy Conservation Awards Program
  • SECNAV 5100.14C, May 1999, Military Exempt Lasers
  • SECNAVINST 5090.6, July 1991, Evaluation of Environmental Effects from Department of Navy Actions
  • Shipboard Environmental Protection News
  • Sikes Act Improvement Amendments (SAIA), November 1997
  • Sikes Act: Cooperative Plan for Wildlife Conservation and Rehabilitation, January 1996
  • Solvents Alternative Guide (SAGE)

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  • Team Tire Newsletter: Retreading Program
  • The 1996 Environmental Justice Report (EO 12898)
  • The Environmental Management Tool Kit
  • The PEER (Public Entity Environmental Management System Resource) Center Web Site

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  • Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Technology (ACQWeb)
  • Underground Pipeline Leak Detection and Location Technology Application Guide, April 1998
  • US Army Environmental Center (USAEC)
  • US Army Environmental Requirement and Technology Assessments (AERTA)
  • US Fish & Wildlife’s Endangered Species Information on Threatened and Endangered Animals and Plants
  • US Fish and Wildlife Service
  • USAEC Conservation Branch
  • USAEC Pollution Prevention Success Stories
  • USAEC Wastewater Systems Compliance Assessment Protocol
  • USAEC Water System Compliance Assessment Protocol
  • USAEC Wellhead Protection - Summary of State Regulations
  • USAEC Wellhead Protection Plan - Model SOW
  • USAEC Wellhead Protection Plan - Model SOW User's Guide
  • USAF: Clean Air Impact, Interactive Training & Reference Documents

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  • Washington Headquarters Services Directives Section
  • White House Council on Environmental Quality
  • Whole Building Design Guide

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