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Peace Corps
About the Peace Corps
What is Peace Corps?

What Do Volunteers Do?

Where Do Volunteers Go?

What's It Like to Volunteer?

How Do I Become a Volunteer?
Top Questions
Am I Qualified?
Steps to Applying

Who Volunteers?

What are the Benefits?

What About Safety?

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Life is calling. How far will you go?
About the Peace Corps
How do I Become a Volunteer?
Youou've looked through the website. Maybe you've talked to your friends about the Peace Corps, or even attended a recruiting event. Now what do you do? How do you know if you're qualified to join the Peace Corps? And how do you go about applying?
Serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer means 27 months of hard work. It takes determination, flexibility, patience, and a sense of humor. And while applying to the Peace Corps is easier than being a Volunteer, the qualities that make a good Volunteer will also come in handy during the application process. Yes, applying to become a Volunteer takes some time, preparation, and effort. But as with volunteering, the rewards far outweigh the difficulties.
Here are the basics to help you get started.
Am I Qualified
By now, you probably know that you have to be at least 18 years old and a U.S. citizen. Beyond these requirements, how do you know if you're qualified to become a Peace Corps Volunteer? Use our quick calculator to find out.
Steps To Applying
If you've read through this section and think you're ready to apply to become a Peace Corps Volunteer or if you have very specific questions about filling out your Peace Corps application, visit Apply Now.
Apply Now
  If you think you're ready to join, you can click here to apply now.
Find Local Events
Peace Corps recruiters appear at information sessions, campus and community events, and career fairs. Pick your state and find a Peace Corps event near you.

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