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Life is calling. How far will you go?
Former Volunteers
Stay Connected
Wishish you could be more involved in the Peace Corps now that your service is over? Interested in getting the latest news about RPCVs and Peace Corps programs? Need records or other information? Have a story you'd like to add to our website? Looking to network with fellow RPCVs?
You've come to the right place.
Here you'll find resources for continuing involvement with the Peace Corps—from administrative necessities such as keeping your records up-to-date, to more enjoyable opportunities such as finding RPCV groups in your area.
Update Your Records
Change your address, name, or other pertinent information so we know where to reach you.
RPCV Update
Get past and current issues of RPCV Update, our newsletter just for RPCVs.
RPCV of the Month
Find out what some outstanding RPCVs are doing in their communities.
Submit a Story
Have a Peace Corps experience you'd like to share? Submit it to our website!
Alumni and "Friends Of" Groups
Find RPCV groups in your area, from your country of service, or in another area that interests you.
Request Records
Find out how to get copies of records related to your Peace Corps service.
And don't forget another great way to stay connected to the Peace Corps—through participation in this year's Peace Corps Week.  
View Our New TV Ad
Click here to view the new Peace Corps TV ad.
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  Know someone who might be interested in becoming a Peace Corps Volunteer? Send your friend a message.
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