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Click here to view the 2005 Calendar

Rep. Cox Commemmorates the Anniversary of the President Abraham Lincoln's Delivery of the Emancipation Proclamation View his remarks . . . New!

Senate Policy Committee Resources on House Issues Views from across the Capitol

Republican Freedom Calendar Highlights 150 Years of Advancing Civil Rights House Policy Chairman Christopher Cox (R-CA) today released the 2005 Republican Freedom Calendar, documenting 150 years of accomplishments by the "Party of Lincoln" in advancing the civil rights and liberties of women and minorities.

Annual Report of the U.S. Government (.5MB, PDF) Doubling Spending on the war on terror

Iraqi Womens Delegation Briefs U.S. Congress
At a breakfast meeting in the U.S. Capitol, a delegation of Iraqi women leaders, including high-ranking ministry officials, educators, and journalists, praised the U.S.-led campaign to overthrow Saddam Hussein and described in detail the continued effort to rebuild their country.

A Technology Agenda for Freedom, Economic Growth, Competitiveness, and Jobs Committee approves Policy Statement setting hi-tech priorities

Senate Minority Blocks Class Action Fairness The House approved the Class Action Fairness Act in June 2003; On July 8, 2004, Sen. Frist noted that despite bipartisan support, "a minority of Senators preferred to use this piece of legislation as a vehicle for miscellaneous political amendments," and the bill was again stalled. "Unfortunately some of my colleagues are choosing politics over enacting good public policy," Sen. Frist said, delaying relief to the judicial system and destroying jobs.

African-American WWII Airmen Honored By Congress On the 60th anniversary of their successful combat missions to fight foreign aggression and the Nazis, the brave Airmen of Tuskegee were recognized by Congress. H. Con. Res. 417 was co-sponsored by House Policy Chairman Christopher Cox, R-CA.

House Leaders Introduce Legislation Commemorating Tiananmen Square Massacre House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Policy Chairman Christopher Cox (R-CA) today introduced legislation to commemorate Friday's 15th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

Earth Day 2004: Celebrating Cooperative Conservation On the 34th anniversary of the first Earth Day, Republicans mark over three decades of environmental progress and continuous commitment to a better environment for our children and grandchildren.

H.R. 2844, The Continuity in Representation Act: Ensuring that the House of Representatives Remains the People's House Since United Flight 93 crashed in a Somerset County, Pennsylvania field instead of the Capitol on 9-11, the unthinkable has been all too realistically possible: terrorists could seek to decapitate the Nation’s government. House Republicans have endorsed the Continuity in Representation Act, H.R. 2844, to ensure that our representative government will survive any such attack.

Earth Day Links More...

Chairman urges colleagues to sign letter to President Pledges to sustain veto of unnecessary spending

Veteran Hill Staffer Ken Johnson Joins House Leadership Staff More ...

Committee Meets with Hong Kong Democrats More ...

108th Congress, First Session Report PDF, 359KB

Chairman Outlines Policy to Control Spending Limited Government, Veto Strategy, Spending Control Amendment, Budget Process Reform are Keys

North Korea's Highest-Ranking Defector Meets with Policy Committee Hwang Jang-yeop Doesn't Believe Kim Jung-il's Statement on Nuclear Weapons

Committee Meets on Iraq Policy More ...

Repressive Law Temporarily Withdrawn by Beijing Decision follows House Policy Committee Resolution

House Approves School Choice for DC Students The House Policy Committee has worked for DC Choice since 1998

House Passes Global Internet Freedom Act, Implementing House Policy Statement Bill Will Protect Human Rights Abroad

Congress Passes Tax Relief To Create Jobs, Grow Economy Dramatic Cut in Double Tax on Dividends Bears Cox Stamp

Policy Chair Announces Subcommittees, Chairmen Updated Structure Shows GOP Priorities ...

Regime Change in Scoring In 1997, the House Policy Committee published a Policy Perspective entitled "Why Congress Needs Accurate Scoring of Tax Rate Reductions." Progress continues ...

Resuscitating Health Care The House Voted 229-196 for Medical Justice in March. The bill is pending in the Senate.

The Country Reports The Russia Report, North Korea Report, and China Report

Economic Security

Chairman Christopher Cox Praises Life of President Ronald Reagan More ...

Crisis in Government Spending More...

Hulshof Announces Tax Reform Subcommittee Meeting On International Taxation More...

Chairman Cox Sends Tax Reform Letter to the President More...

House-White House Partnership to Control Spending More...

House Passes Permanent Death Tax Repeal More ...

The Death Tax More ...

Chairman Calls for Better Federal Budget Estimates Testimony to Rules Committee

Permanent Tax Relief 2002 More ...

Class Action Fairness to Prevent Lawsuit Abuse More ...

2002 Annual Report on the United States Government More...

Lower the Debt Ceiling More ...

Chairman Testifies to Budget Committee PDF

Terrorism Risk Protection Act Makes Insurance More Affordable and Speeds Victim Compensation More ...

Controlling Spending to Preserve Homeland Security More ...

Tax Relief for Economic Growth More...

Economic growth through trade More ...

Policy Chairman Appointed to lead Homeland Security panel

Promoting Freedom and Human Rights

Statement to the Vilnius Group's Celebration of a Europe Whole and Free More...

President Has Long Possessed Flexibility President Bush Seeks at Department of Homeland Security More...

Continuity of Congress -- Working to Defend Representative Government from Terrorist Attack More...

Time to end nuclear aid to North Korea More ...

Health Should Not Be A Political Weapon - Why Taiwan Must No Longer Be Excluded From The World Health Organization More...

Promoting Free Enterprise and Democracy Across the Americas More ...

Policy Chairman Urges U.S. Invitation to North Korean Defector More ...

Iraqi Democratic Opposition Meets U.S. Congressional Leadership More... (PDF)

Policy Statement on Missile Defense More...

Policy Statement on National Defense After September 11 More...

"Let us defeat those who have declared war on America." The September 12, 2001, House Floor Statement from Chairman Cox

Final Report of the Speaker's Advisory Group on Russia More...

Towards Better Environmental Protection More...

Policy Chairman's Bill Honoring President Reagan is First Law Signed by President Bush More... View the Law

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