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Library of Congress Authorities Help Pages: use the browser's back button to  resurme searching

Authority Headings Search Overview

To search Library of Congress authority records most effectively, it is important to understand the differences between each available search type. Brief instructions on general searching procedures are on this page, but more extensive help screens are available for each individual search type:

[Image of the Authority Record Search screen]

  1. Enter the leftmost words of the heading you are looking for in the Search Text: box
  2. Select a Search Type: from the window, reflecting the type of search you wish to perform.
  3. Select the number of results per page
  4. Select the Begin Search button to perform the search.

Your results will be presented as a Headings List--a list of headings that fall nearest alphabetically to the first words of your search. To retrieve authority information for a heading, select the red button beside the heading, then select the link for the heading or the references of interest to view the MARC encoded authority record (an alternative, labelled display is available).

  • Use the "Headings List" button to return to your list of hits.
  • Use the "New Search" button to enter a new Authorities search.

Use the browser's [Back] button to exit help and resume searching.

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June 27, 2002