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About Library of Congress Authorities


Search Overview
- Subject Authorities
- Name Authorities
- Title Authorities
- Name/Title Authorities
Search History

MARC Display
Labelled Display
Headings List
References/Scope Notes
Save, Print, Email

Headings List Types
Icons, Buttons & Tabs
Session Time-out Errors
Known Problems

Library of Congress Authorities Help Pages: use the browser's back button to resume searching

Icons, Buttons, and Tabs

Icons, navigation buttons, and display tabs appear at various stages of searching and retrieval in Library of Congress Authorities.

Title Banner

The Library of Congress Authorities banner displays on the top of most screens. Select the banner to return to the Library of Congress Authorities home page at any time. In addition, a link at the top left takes you to the Library of Congress Home Page and a link at the top right takes you to the Library of Congress Online Catalog:

Image of the Library of Congress Online Catalog Title Banner

Top Button Bar

While using Library of Congress Authorities, a button bar consistently displays at the top of the screen. The function of each button is described below:

[Image of New Search Button] Select this button to begin a new authorities search.
[Image of the Headings List Button] Displays the Headings List from the most recent authorities search.
[Image of the Search History Button] Displays a table of all recent searches. From the Search History screen, old searches can be redone or edited.
[Image of the Help Button] Displays context-sensitive help screens related to any activity being performed in Library of Congress Authorities.
[Image of the Start Over Button] Returns the user to the opening screen for Library of Congress Authorities. PLEASE NOTE: Selecting this icon will clear the Search History; select only to end the search session or restart.

Search Screens

Previous Displays the previous screen for a Headings List, or the previous record while viewing an individual authority record.
Next Displays the next list for a Headings List, or the next record while viewing an individual authority record.
[Image of the Begin SearchButton] Select this button to execute a search on the words or phrases entered in any search box.
[Image of the Clear Search Button] Select this button to clear any words or phrases from the search box.

Headings List Icons

[Image of the Authorized Heading Button] Select this icon to link to the references screen showing the authorized heading. By selecting that heading, you will be linked to the authority record for that heading.
[Image of the Authorized and References Star Button] Select this icon to link to the references screen showing the authorized heading with "see" and "see also" references. By selecting any links from that screen, you will be linked to the appropriate authority record.
[Image of Authorized and Notes Button] Select this icon to link to the references screen showing the authorized heading with any scope notes. While the scope note will be displayed on that page, you will need to select the linked heading to view the authority record.
Select this icon to link to the references screen showing the authorized heading, "see" and "see also" references, as well as any scope notes. While the scope note will be displayed on that page, you will need to select any of the linked headings to view authority records.
Select this icon to link to the references screen showing the scope notes. The scope note will be displayed on the references screen.
Select this icon to link to the references screen showing any "see" and "see also" references along with any scope notes. While the scope note will be displayed on that page, you will need to select the linked headings to view authority records.

Single Record Displays

[Image of the MARC Display Tab] Displays the authority record with MARC tags. Select the Labelled Display tab to view the record with textual labels and hyperlinks to alternate headings.
Image of the Labelled Display Tab] Displays the fullest labelled selection of fields for the current authority record. Select the MARC Display tab to view the record with MARC tags.
Print/Save Select this button to display a single record or selected set of records in the browser window for printing or saving to disk.
Email Select this button to email a single record or selected set of records to an existing email account (enter the correct email account address in the window to the right of this button).

Use the browser's [Back] button to resume searching.

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June 24, 2002