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U.S. Department of Agriculture - Foreign Agricultural Service

FAS Export Directory of U.S. Food Distribution Companies


The purpose of the Export Directory of U.S. Food Distribution Companies is to provide a list of U.S. suppliers of mixed containers of grocery and/or food service products to potential foreign buyers.

The International Edition contains all countries and the Regional Editions contain only companies that sell to those markets. Even within the Regional Editions, companies may export to only select countries. Contact companies for specific inquiries. The inclusion of a particular company in the directory does not imply USDA's endorsement of the company's products and/or services.

NEW!  Searchable database!  The Export Directory of U.S. Food Distribution Companies is also available at http://www.fas.usda.gov/scripts/agexport/USDistributorQuery.asp.

Due to the length of the documents, they are only available on-line as Word, Wordperfect, and printer-friendly .PDF/Adobe Acrobat files. Click on the preferred format to view or download. Please be patient - most of these files are very large (100 pages+) and can take several minutes to download.

If you need alternative format or a hard copy, please contact Anne Almond at Anne.Almond@fas.usda.gov or (202) 690-2853.

International Edition:
(Last update: October 2002)

Includes all countries - Word | .PDF

Country Editions:
(Last update: October 2002.)

Brazil - Word | .PDF

Egypt - Word | .PDF

India - Word | .PDF

Nigeria - Word | .PDF

United Arab Emirates - Word | .PDF

Vietnam - Word | .PDF

Regional Editions:
(Last update: February 2002 - These editions are NOT as current as the International edition.)

Western Europe - Word | .PDF

Eastern Europe and Russia - Word | .PDF

Central America and South America - Word | .PDF

Africa/Middle East - Word | .PDF

Northeast Asia and China - Word | .PDF

Southeast Asia and India - Word | .PDF

Australia and Oceania - Word | .PDF

North America - Word | .PDF


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Last modified: Wednesday, September 01, 2004