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Diedra Henry-Spires
Public Health Advisor for Violence Against Women Issues
U.S. Office on Women's Health

After studying Health Policy Administration at the Pennsylvania State University Mrs. Henry-Spires joined the U.S. Office on Women's Health, within the Department of Health and Human Services, as a Policy Fellow. While a Fellow she worked on several major issues for the office such as HIV/AIDS, minority women's health, and violence against women.

In 1998, Mrs. Henry-Spires became a permanent member of the Office on Women's Health with a focus on violence against women. Since that time, she has helped to facilitate several major initiatives for the office, including the Nursing Task Force on Violence Against Women and the Social Worker Task Force on Violence Against Women. She was also a member of the Steering Committee for "The Agenda for the Nation on Violence Against Women" released in October of 2000. The Agenda was created by the National Advisory Council on Violence Against Women co-chaired by the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Attorney General. In addition, she has coauthored Understanding and Responding to Domestic Violence in the Workplace: The Action Guide this workbook was created for use by HHS managers and employees.

She stays current on the issues affecting survivors of violence by volunteering at several local shelters. She also serves on the advisory board of a local pregnancy prevention campaign.

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