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Vision & Roadmaps

Collaborative Effort Compact (cooperative agreement between DOE and the Forest Products industry)

Proceedings for the Energy Performance Workshop for the Chemical and Pulp and Paper Industries, 2000-2020, U.S. DOE, September 1-2, 1998

Energy Efficiency in the Pulp and Paper Industry, 100pp.
ACEEE 1996 ($20.00 U.S.)

Technology Summit 2001
For Fiscal Year 2003, Agenda 2020's Chief Technology Officer Committee revised their research and development goals to better address industry's needs. May 2001.

Forest Products Vision
November 1994
Forest Products VisionAgenda 2020: A Technology Vision and Research Agenda for America's Forest, Wood and Paper Industry
(PDF 60 KB)

Forest Products Industry Technology Roadmap
February 1999
Forest Products Industry Technological RoadmapAgenda 2020 The Path Forward: An Implementation Plan (PDF 163 KB)

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Last updated: 03/05/04