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  • Electrical Safety Campaign

    DOE Electrical Safety Campaign

    blue dot May Declared as DOE's Electrical Safety Month
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    Directives to Sites on Electrical Safety Performance:

    - National Nuclear Security Administration, July 19, 2004

    - Office of Environmental Management, July 13, 2004

    - Office of Science
       May 24, 2004
       September 7, 2004

    - Office of Fossil Energy
       June 25, 2004
       August 14, 2004

    - Idaho Operations Office, May 11, 2004

    blue dot Site Responses: Plans, Initiatives, and Actions

    - National Nuclear Security Administration Sites (some site plans due later):
       ETEC and SPRU Plans, 9/04
       ETEC (Canoga Park) Procedure, 5/3/04
       Kansas City Plan, 9/04
       LANL Plan, 9/23/04
       LLNL Plan, 9/04
       Nevada Plan, 9/04
       Pantex Plan, 9/15/04
       Sandia Plan, 9/13/04
       Y-12 Plant Plan, 9/04

    - Office of Environmental Management Sites
       Ohio Plan, 9/30/04
       Portsmouth and Paducah Plan, 10/15/04
       Richland Plan, 9/30/04
       SRS Plan, 10/11/04

    - Office of Science Sites
       Ames Laboratory Plan 8/1/04
       ANL- East Plan
       Berkeley Laboratory Plan 7/30/04
       Brookhaven Plan 7/19/04
       Fermilab Plan
       Jefferson Laboratory Plan
       ORNL Plan 7/26/04
       PNNL Plan 7/22/04
       PPPL Plan 7/30/04
       SLAC Plan 7/23/04

    - Office of Fossil Energy Sites
       Albany Research Center Response 7/30/04
       National Energy Technology Laboratory 7/28/04
       Naval Petroleum Reserve
       Strategic Petroleum Reserve

    - Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
       INEEL Baseline 8/5/04
       INEEL Plan 6/9/04

    blue dot Electrical Safety Occurrences - Overview of Nature, Causes and Frequency, July 27, 2004
    blue dot Electrical Safety - Operating Experience and Lessons Learned Report, April 2004
    blue dot Just-in-Time Reports
    blue dot Type A Accident Investigation Report June 7, 2004 Construction Contractor Electrical Accident at Double-Circuit Structure 38/1, Watertown-Granite Falls 230-kV Transmission Line East of Watertown, South Dakota
    blue dot A Review of Electrical Intrusion Events at the Department of Energy: 2000-2001
    blue dot DOE/EH-0557, Electrical Safety, Issue No. 98-01, October 1998
    blue dot Report on the Task Group on Electrical Safety, January 1993, the "Blue Book"
    blue dot Draft Revision to Electrical Safety Handbook
    blue dot Presentations from DOE Electrical Safety Committee Meeting - July 2004 pdf icon 50MB
    blue dot Sampling of links to Electrical Safety Information and Awareness Products:
      - Electrical Safety Foundation International
      - Seton - Identification Safety & Experts
      - All About OSHA - Electrical Safety

    - OMG BookSource - Instructional Materials for Safety Training

      - Electrical Contracting & Engineering News



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