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Tom Allen - Representating teh First District of Maine

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Hi, I'm Tom Allen, and I represent the over 600,000 people who live and work in the 1st Congressional District of Maine. Welcome. I hope you find this website informative, helpful and easy to use.

Last year, we completely redesigned this site. We have added many new features, and plan to add many more. I am pleased to report that our efforts resulted in a citation for this website in January 2002 by the Congressional Management Foundation's Congress Online Project as one of the eleven best House member websites.

Please check out the "special topics" pages (see icons on the right side of the website's home page) that focus on specific issues that I have been working on, like prescription drugs and national defense. On these pages, you will learn more about the subject, and what I have been doing about it. You can click on to links that include more detailed information, like the full text of a bill, studies and other background information, articles I've written and speeches I've given on the topic, and much more. You will also find links to other helpful websites, too. And you can sign-up to receive periodic updates on specific issues. We will be adding more issues pages and updating and improving existing ones.

There's a calendar that is constantly updated. The calendar will tell you about public events I'll be attending, and when I'll be in your area. The site will also soon include video and audio clips and lots of photographs.

Of course, you will also continue to find features on this site that we have always offered. These include links to Maine government offices, legislation I've sponsored, House committees I serve on, information about constituent services, and a link to send me a message.

The site is not finished yet, and will never be, since we want to keep it current and continuously improve it. Soon, you will be able to use this site to obtain many services from my offices, like directly ordering a U.S. flag that has flown over the Capitol, applying for service academy nominations, and signing up for tours in Washington, D.C. There will be a page especially designed for children. We'll have many more answers to frequently asked questions. And much more.

Thanks for checking in. I hope you will return again and again. Send me a message letting me know what you think, both about this site and the work I'm doing.

Whether you're from Maine or "from away," as we say in Maine, I hope you find this site as hospitable as the people of the Great State of Maine.


Maine Address:
234 Oxford Street
Portland, Maine 04101
Fax: 207-871-0720

Washington Address:
1717 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Fax: 202-225-5590

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