Congressman Tom Allen - Representing the First District of Maine
Tom Allen - Maine's Voice in Congress

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Updated 7/12/2004
Learn more about Tom Allen's stance on issues of education policy details
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Clean Energy & Air Quality
Updated 9/30/2004
Tom works as a member of the House Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee to improve air quality in Maine and throughout the nation.  details
Rx Drug Comparative Effectiveness
Updated 9/8/04
Learn more about Tom's bipartisan legislation to provide caregivers and consumers with with unbiased, evidence-based research on prescription drugs details
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Article The Case for the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard  10/14/2004 read
Press Release Rep. Tom Allen Calls for FCC Investigation of Sinclair Broadcast Group  10/13/2004 read
Press Release ME-MA-NH Delegation Make Case for PNSY in Memo to Defense Secretary Rumsfeld  10/12/2004 read
Press Release Rep. Tom Allen: Defense Bill “A Boon to Maine’s Defense Facilities and Industries”  10/12/2004 read
Press Release Rep. Tom Allen Announces $44,000 COPS Grant for Biddeford Police Department  10/6/2004 read
Press Release Rep. Allen: Delay, House Republicans “Put Ideology Ahead” of Bipartisan 9/11 Commission Reforms  10/5/2004 read
Press Release ME-NH Congressional Delegation Fight to Keep U.S.S. Hartford Depot Modernization Period at PNSY  10/4/2004 read
Article “Tackling the Brave New World of Telecommunications”  10/1/2004 read
Press Release Statement on the Report of EPA’s Inspector General on the Bush Administration’s NSR Revisions  10/1/2004 read
Press Release Rep. Tom Allen: “Instead of Pushing Ideological Hot Buttons, Finish the Nation’s Business”  9/30/2004 read


Maine Address:
234 Oxford Street
Portland, Maine 04101
Fax: 207-871-0720

Washington Address:
1717 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Fax: 202-225-5590

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